Harvest More than Corn and Wheat: The Next Generation

Daily Truth:  “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”  Matthew 9:37


This is the season of harvest.  My farming friend from North Dakota told me, “We need a freeze to get things rolling.”  I thought how interesting.  Growth must be halted before the harvest is truly ready.

How introspective the child is in the photo.  He is intently looking at the corn kernel.  I think we could learn a thing or two from this child. As adults do we take time to intently look at God’s wonderful creation and His Word?  God says that we are to become as a child.

As adults we get so wrapped up in schedules, a “to do” list, and “the cares of this world.”  If we would look to God and His Word as intently as the little boy is looking at God’s creation we would keep the right perspective.  The focus on sharing the Good News of Christ with others is what Jesus Christ told us to do.  In fact it is the last thing Jesus told us to do as He ascended into heaven.

Do things around us and this world need to have a “hard  freeze” before we finally seek something outside of ourselves to help, comfort, and guide us?

The mind of a child is curious always wanting to learn.  Do we want to learn or are we too busy just getting the things of the day completed?

A child runs and then abruptly stops when there is something of interest.  Is our interest in the things of God great enough to make us stop, learn and impart to others?

A child finds joy in simple things.  How many times has the box a toy came in provided the most happiness?  Sure those boxes become real houses, cars, schools and college payments for adults yet, how could we simplify and get back to more time with God?  Is it a matter of discipline now that we are adults?

What about the next generation?  What about us?  Slow down, take time with God and His Word.  Share God’s Word and His world with the children in your life.

Let’s teach the next generation about God and how to have a personal relationship with Christ.  A good harvest of corn and wheat will sustain our bodies but only Christ will sustain our souls.

The harvest is truly plentiful!

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo






Fall, A Beautiful Season

Daily Truth:  “And let us not be weary in well doing:  for in due season we will reap, if we faint  not.”  Galatians 6:9


The corn stalks are now golden brown, the weather is getting too cool to swim outside, and now pumpkins are more prevalent than watermelons.  The season has changed and fall is welcomed in with campfires, s’mores, and sweatshirts.

No matter the season, God teaches us in His Word to not grow weary in well doing.  The fall season tightens up schedules with school and all its activities.  We get busy with all the day to day responsibilities. To get to the end of the day with dinner on the table, children’s homework completed, toddlers bathed, and everyone tucked in so you can then complete your own tasks takes a great deal of effort. Yet, God’s Word tells us not to grow weary in well doing.

God realizes all the demands of life. That is why God says, “In due season we will reap, if we faint not.”   All the things on your plate do not need to be or will be accomplished this fall, the coming winter, or the next summer.

Those dishes can wait, laundry can be accomplished on another day, but a tear from your child’s eye needs immediate attention, a wrong attitude needs correcting, and that favorite story may need to be read aloud one more time.

Children need a mom that is first in love with Christ.  At the feet of Jesus  is the only place where the weary mom can gain strength, encouragement, and the right words to impart to the loved ones around her.

A new season has arrived.  Fall is a time of change, beauty, and preparing for the next season.   As you teach the children in the world around you take time to refresh yourself so you will be able to impart God’s beautiful world and His Word with love and grace.

Part of refreshing is having fun with your children.  Fall presents many activities that you can enjoy together as a family.  A bike ride on a fall crisp day is always fun.   Raking leaves together and jumping in the leaves can be fun.  Invite a family over to share in raking leaves and end with a chili supper or campfire and s’mores.

If you have Preschool age children you may want to share the following fall action song.

Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down sung to the tune of London Bridge  and act out with motions to match the words.

Autumn leaves are falling down,
Falling down, falling down
Autumn leaves are falling down,
All over town.


The cold wind blows them all around,
All around, all around,
The cold wind blows them all around,
All over town.
They’re drifting gently to the ground,
To the ground, to the ground,
They’re drifting gently to the ground,
All over town.


Take a rake and rake them up,
Rake them up, rake them up,
Take a rake and rake them up,
All over town.

Found in “I’m a Little Teapot!” compiled by Jane Cobb.

Some fun fall books include: “Why do Leaves Change Color?” by Betsy Maestro, “Leaf Man” by Lois Ehlert, “Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf” by Lois Ehlert, “It’s Fall”  by Linda Glaser, and “Autumn: An Alphabet Acrostic” by Steven Schnur

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo



What Words are You Reading, Hearing, and Teaching?

Daily Truth:  ” In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  John 1:1


At three years of age children have a word usage of 500-1,100 words.  By five to seven years of age children have an average expressive vocabulary of 3,000-5,000 words.

These statistics are based on the work done by  Becca Jarzynski,  a pediatric speech-language pathologist.  She further states, ” And it’s even more important to note that at least one study (Hart and Risley, 2006) found that the significant variability in children’s vocabulary at the age of three was strongly related to the amount of talking parents did with their children.”

I could go on with how to increase your child’s vocabulary through “conversational speech”, how reading books to your child is important, how active listening stimulates more conversation, and asking questions such as “why” and “how” all help to develop your child’s vocabulary and  thinking ability. But, today’s focus is on the most important words…God’s.

It is amazing how the verses in  John 1:1-3 link Jesus with Genesis 1-the beginning of creation. Over and over again God speaks and something is created.  A lush world sprang up when God spoke.

In John 1:1 “…the Word was with God…” with Jesus and when He spoke.

Matthew 8:26 The disciples said of Jesus, “….the winds and the sea obey him.”  Matthew 9:6-7  Jesus said to the paralyzed man,  “Rise, pick up your bed, and go home.”  Mark 1:25-26 Jesus ordered, the spirit, “Be silent  and come out of him!”  Luke 8:54-55 Jesus took her hand and called out, “Child arise!”

Over and over again Jesus spoke and things happened.  God’s Word is what brought all things to life.  Sin entered and God provided an “alive” Word through His Son Jesus.

What word has God spoken to you lately?  Your sins are forgiven, do not let your hearts be troubled, if anyone has an ear let him hear.  Whatever Christ is saying, let His Word grow in you.  Don’t let the most important “Word” drown in the business of the day.

To spend time with God and in His Word equips us for each new day.  God’s Word, Jesus’ Words are recorded for us in the Bible.  God is at work re-creating us through His Word.

The Greatest Words Ever Spoken (Book)

A suggested book to read is  “The Greatest WORDS EVER SPOKEN” Everything Jesus said about You, Your Life, And Everything Else by Steven K. Scott.

Colossians 3:6 ” Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom….”

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson

Labor Day: The Fruits of Our Labor

Daily Truth:  “You shall eat the fruit(s) of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.” Psalm 128:2


Fruits of Our LaborWe planted two apple trees in our backyard when our children were young.  The Red Delicious apple tree did not do very well but the Golden Delicious apple tree has provided fruit for twenty years.  Our children are now in their early twenties and we are still enjoying the fruit from this tree.

When our children were young they would help pick apples from our trees.  We would all then wash and peel them with our corer and peeler.

Applesauce, apple pies, apple crisp, apple butter and even dehydrated apples were made in those late summer days. Bees would be attracted to the screen outside the kitchen window as the aroma of cooking apples would waft out the window.

Growing apples or picking fruit from an orchard and then helping to cook the fruit brings Psalm 128:2 to life.  Children realize that the labor or work from their hands brings blessings as they enjoy the fruit of their labor.

Teachable moments are around us each day.  Use God’s World and daily life experiences to teach God’s Word.

Take Psalm 128:2 to the next level for your child by discussing how dad and mom labor for the family.  What “fruits” do they provide for the family?  With older children guide the conversation away from the literal “fruit” to abstract “fruit”.  Discuss what jobs they could do around the home to bless one another.

And now back to the literal “fruit” for recipes to cook with your children and make for your family.

Apple Recipes

Apple Pie

7 cups sliced apples

1 cup sugar

3 T. flour

1 t. (plus) cinnamon

½ t. nutmeg

1 ½ T. vinegar

Mix all ingredients in bowl before putting in pie crust.  Taste to see if it needs more sugar as some apples are very tart.  Put into pie crust and dot with butter before placing the top pie crust.  Seal and crimp the pie crusts together.  To glaze top crust mix some sugar with a little milk and spread over crust before adding the vent cuts.  Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Apple Butter

5 pints of chunky applesauce

½ cup red hots

4 cups sugar

¼ t. cloves

½ cup cider vinegar

Cook on low in Crock Pot for 12 to 14 hours or until thickened as desired.  Cool and place in freezer containers or may be canned at this point.

Enjoy the “fruits” of your labor.

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment.

Cathy Jo Johnson







Make This Year’s School Shoes Last a Lifetime

Daily Truth: Shoes “and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace” Ephesians 6:15

Father and Child's Feet

Baby steps then toddler steps and before you know it your child is grown.  Each stage of growth means new shoes.

New shoes are almost always part of the items purchased for a new school year.  This year while buying school supplies, clothing and shoes make it a special time and also go out to lunch after shopping.

Bring up the verse from Ephesians 6 about shoes. Discuss how shoes are important to protect feet.  Discuss how different shoes are needed for various sports, gym class, and school. The correct type of shoe helps us to do our best.

In Ephesians 6:15 there are several words that may need explaination to the child.  The word “shod” means to bind on.  I grew up with horses so when I think of  the word “shod” I think of nailing on a horse’s shoe.  So “bind” would mean to tightly fasten to your feet. The word “preparation” means to be prepared.  The word “gospel” means the good news of Jesus Christ.  The word “peace” means the salvation we have through Jesus Christ. Sure there are other kinds of peace but true peace is only found in Jesus.

Help your child remember each day when he or she puts on those new shoes to also put on the shoes of peace from God’s Word.

The special shoes that God  teaches us about in Ephesians 6 are just a part of the entire armor of God.  To learn more about all of the armor of God read Ephesians 6:10-20.

God is so good to teach us His Word through things such as shoes in our every day life.   Take advantage of “teachable moments” and bring God’s Word alive to your child.

Until the next “Truth” telling moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson






The Heavens Beckon Our Attention: God’s Glory

Daily Truth:  “The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.”  Psalm 19:1

The heavens declare the glory of God

The heavens do declare the glory of God.  And, the firmament does show His handiwork.

We serve an amazing God!  The stars are so numerous that we cannot count them.  The sun is at just the right distance to provide heat and light to sustain us and not destroy us.  God’s glory and majesty can be seen every day and night.

It is no coincidence that the sun, moon, and stars are hung above us.  We must look up to see them.  Written in Isaiah 55:9 God tells us,  “The heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts”.

Looking up at the heavens we can see this heaven yet in Revelation 21:1 John tells us, “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth:  for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away…..”.  Gazing up at the night sky can prompt questions of the new heaven.  What does it take so we can see this “new heaven”?  It takes the realization that Christ, God’s Son, died for our sins according to the Scriptures, He was buried and that He rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.  (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)  God’s Word also tells us in Acts16:31 “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”

On the next clear night go outside, away from the city lights, with a blanket and your family.  Lie there and look up.  Can you too declare the glory of God?  God is so good to give us just a peek into the beauty of our eternal home and a glimpse into His full glory.

Some resources for you and your child to find more about the heavens include:

“Creation Astronomy” by Dr. Jason Lisle, “Kids Answers” by Answers in Genesis,  Answers in Genesis Kid Videos:  Habitable Planet and Distant Starlight , to see amazing photos from space see the Hubble website, and  a great app for an iPhone is “Night Sky”.  This app will help you to identify constellations while gazing at the stars.

Until the next “Truth” telling moment,

Cathy Jo

This article first appeared on “Truths for Tots” blog

“The World Itself Could Not Contain the Books”

Daily Truth:  “And there are also many things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”  John 21:25

Pile of Books

Did you know there were 1,052,803  books published in 2009 and approximately 3,000,000 books published in 2011? (These statistics are from Bowkers, the company in the U.S., that issue ISBN numbers.)  Google actually counted the number of books in existence and as of August 5, 2010 there were 129,864,880 books in print.  Yet, “the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” of all that Jesus did while on earth.

All the things that Jesus did if written in books would fill the earth. That is a huge statement.  How big is the earth you ask?  The circumference at the equator is 24,901 miles. (One of those facts remembered from grade school.)  And yet, “the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” of all that Jesus did while on earth.

Are you getting the picture?  It is mind boggling to think of how much Jesus did in three years. His compassion was great!  His love was deep!  He could not but help those around him.

When we teach our children about Jesus feeding the 5,000, turning water into wine, meeting the woman at the well, healing the sick, blind, deaf and lame, and raising the dead we are just telling about a few of Jesus’s miracles and teachings. Remember, “the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” Do not lose the enthusiasum and wonder of a child.  Get amazed at what the Lord Jesus Christ did!  Share that love, compassion and amazment with the children in your life.

We do not need to wonder what was not included in the Bible because God has included just the right teachings and miracles for us to know and learn. Matthew 5:18 tells us that “no jot or tittle shall in no way pass from the law, until all be fulfilled.”  Everything written in the Bible is for a purpose.  How good it is that God inspired holy men of God to write about Himself and His Son, Jesus Christ, all in one book, the Bible.  Can you imagine needing to read thousands of books to understand the character of God, His plan of salvation, Jesus’s miracles, how to live with one another, and all the other many things God teaches us through His Word?  God is so good to us.

And yet, “the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” of all that Jesus did while on earth. How wonderful it is to think about Jesus’s great compassion for the people around him.  Not only in the time he walked this earth but the eternal home He is preparing for those who believe in Him. Jesus gave His life for us that we may live with Him in eternity.  His compassion was and is too great to fathom.  It is also too great to record in volumes of books.  Truly amazing!

Share this concept with a young child, especially a visual learner.  Try going to your city library and pointing out all the books and then discussing that all that Jesus did while on earth could not even be held in that library.  Check out Truths for Tots Pinterest board on Books and Libraries to get another visual on large collections of books.

Also, check out Truths for Tots Pinterest board on Children’s Books that Point to Jesus.

Remember, “And there are also many things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one,  the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” John 21:25

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo


Are You an Encouragement? Six Examples from the Bible

Daily Truth:  “When they read it they rejoiced over its encouragement.”  Acts 15:31

Young boy outside

The word encouragement can be a noun or a verb.  As a noun it “is the act of encouraging”  “the state of being encouraged” or “something that encourages”.  As a verb it “is to inspire or give courage”.

Encouragement should therefore inspire, give courage, and add strength to one’s character. In Acts 15:31 a letter is sent to the people of Antioch to encourage.  A letter, baked cookies, flowers, acts of service, a hug, and many other things can give encouragement. God has many examples of encouragement in His Word that we can apply to our lives today to show and teach encouragement.

Six Examples of Encouragement Taught in the Bible

That We Can Use Today


  1. Moses felt as though he was not equipped to take on the Pharaoh of Egypt.  Exodus 3:10-4:21  God provided the resources which gave encouragement that Moses would need.  God will provide for you and your child too. As parents we can provide the necessary items and people such as coaches or instructors to help each child to play a sport or instrument.  Parents provide encouragement too by attending games and recitals.
  2.  Joshua was to become the next leader of the Israelites.  Moses had been a mentor for many years. Deuteronomy 31 Godly mentoring is valuable to your child too.  We all learn by example.  The saying “actions speak louder than words” is true.  Joshua had seen Moses rely on God for strength and guidance.  Let your child too see how God provides for your family’s needs and guidance.  Pray as a family and praise God for answered prayer.  Read missionary biographies together to see God’s provision and guidance. These real life stories provide great encouragement and a form of mentoring.
  3. Rahab provided encouragement and protection of the Israelite spies that came to Jericho.  She told the spies that she had heard of all the amazing things their God had done.  Joshua 2:3-14  Share your life stories with your children how God has watched over you.  We serve a powerful and sovereign God.  Make God real to your children by using real life examples and share by telling of those those special times.
  4. Even after Peter denies the Lord Jesus Christ three times Jesus upon his return is gentle, loving and encouraging. John 21:1-19 Our children will disappoint us at  times.  Remember the example Christ set for us.  We all make mistakes.  Peter was broken and repentant.  Christ forgave, restored and encouraged.  What an example!
  5. John Mark is left by Paul.  Barnabas encourages John Mark by taking him along to share the God News of Jesus Christ. Acts 15:36-41  Even when someone disappoints us or our children, look to see what we can learn.  Growth can come from a disappointment.  Help your child grow spiritually and look to God. Be an encourager as Barnabas was to John Mark.
  6. Jesus is coming again! Acts 1:11 What hope and encouragement that is to the believer!  We are sinful people yet Jesus died, rose again, ascended into heaven and is coming again for us.  He died for each one of us.  He didn’t have to, Jesus did nothing wrong.  What an encouragement that is to know that our heavenly Father loved us so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place.  What a loving sacrifice, what an encouragement, what a Savior!

God encourages us daily.  Parents need to  encourage children daily.  God’s Word gives us examples to teach us how to encourage one another.

Encouragement is an act of love.  “Love one another as (God) so loved you”.  John 15:12b

What are some ideas for encouragement that you do with your family?

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo


Summer and Kids: The Season Begins, What are Your Plans?

Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons and for days, and years:

 Summer and Kids

For most of us summer begins on Memorial Day.  The school year is either completed or almost finished by the end of May.  But, the first day of summer and longest day of the year,  in the northern hemisphere is June 21 this year.  (It will be the first day of winter in the southern hemisphere.)  It all has to do with the tilt of the earth.

Activity:  To help children to understand this concept of longest day and first day of summer;  have a child hold a globe  and another child or adult holding a turned on flashlight, which represents the sun, pointed at the globe.  The northern hemisphere  should be slightly titled towards the flashlight.  This position of the earth and sun (flashlight) illustrates the first day of summer in the northern hemisphere.  Have the child holding the globe move around the sun (flashlight) as if the earth was orbiting the sun. The child will get a clearer picture of how the sun is at the earth’s closest point in the northern hemisphere on the first day of summer.  This point is called the summer solstice.  For more information about this click here.

Our amazing God makes everything so perfect!  The earth, sun, stars, and seasons are just a few of the wonderful things God created for us and His Glory. Nothing is by chance.  Creation was all set in motion by God just speaking!  Teach the above verse to your children.  Show that the word “season” is a word that God used in making the world for us.  As you do activities this summer actively thank God for this wonderful summer season.

Summer provides extra time for family activities.  Please check out Truths for Tots Activity Calendar for daily activities.  There are also many activities on Truths for Tots Pinterest Summer Board.

Make a list  of “summer fun activities and projects” with your children. Post list on the refrigerator,  write on slips of paper to be drawn daily, or make two different kinds of list.  One list could be those activities which will need take more planning and the others that can be done spontaneously.  What ever you decide is best for your family, make sure that each child contributes and all children understand that each idea is as special as the one who suggested the activity.

You may want to work in activities that would be helpful to another person such as pulling weeds for an elderly neighbor, baking cookies and taking to a shut in, or having a lemonade stand where proceeds go to a worthy cause. Take the extra time of summer to encourage someone.  Your children will learn what fun it is to be a blessing to someone.

Make this season a wonderful time of family fun!

God gave us the seasons, enjoy your summer:)

Until the next “Truth” telling moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson






Liberty and Flag Day, What’s it all About?

Daily Truth:  Jesus said, “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He sent me to heal the broken hearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight the blind, To set at liberty to those who are oppressed.”

Luke 4:18


United States FlagFlag Day is about celebrating liberty and remembrance.   Liberty is defined as” freedom from control, interference or physical restraint”. Jesus spoke of liberty.  He came to “make you free” (John 8:32).

Flag Day represents a day in which we honor our country by honoring our country’s flag.  The American Flag symbolizes liberty to all.

  • How did Flag Day begin?  The flag of the United States of America was born out of a Revolution in 1977.  It has remained the same except the addition of a star for each state added to the United States.
  • What do the colors and symbols represent? The  50 stars represent the states of the United States.  The 13 stripes represent the 13 original colonies.  The red is said to represent valor, the white to represent liberty, and the blue to represent justice and loyalty.
  •  Who made the first American flag?  Reportedly, Betsy Ross sewed the first flag by hand in 1776.
  • Why June 14?  That was the day in 1877 the the adoption of the American flag took place by the Second Continental Constitution.   President Woodrow Wilson made a proclamation in 1916 that made June 14 Flag Day.  Flag Day is not a federal or state holiday except in the state of Pennsylvania.
  • What are the American Flag’s rules and regulations?  Visit US History.org for details. 

The Flag Goes By

Hats off!
Along the street there comes
A blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums,
A flash of color beneath the sky:
Hats off!
The flag is passing by!

Blue and crimson and white it shines,
Over the steel-tipped, ordered lines.
Hats off!
The colors before us fly;
But more than the flag is passing by:

Sea-fights and land-fights, grim and great,
Fought to make and to save the State;
Weary marches and sinking ships;
Cheers of victory on dying lips;

Days of plenty and years of peace;
March of a strong land’s swift increase;
Equal justice, right and law,
Stately honor and reverend awe;

Sign of a nation, great and strong
To ward her people from foreign wrong;
Pride and glory and honor, – all
Live in the colors to stand or fall.

Hats off!
Along the street there comes
A blare of bugles, a ruffle of drums;
And loyal hearts are beating high:
Hats off!
The flag is passing by!

~ Henry Holcomb Bennett

Happy Flag Day to you!

Until the next “Truth” telling moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson