Make This Year’s School Shoes Last a Lifetime

Daily Truth: Shoes “and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace” Ephesians 6:15

Father and Child's Feet

Baby steps then toddler steps and before you know it your child is grown.  Each stage of growth means new shoes.

New shoes are almost always part of the items purchased for a new school year.  This year while buying school supplies, clothing and shoes make it a special time and also go out to lunch after shopping.

Bring up the verse from Ephesians 6 about shoes. Discuss how shoes are important to protect feet.  Discuss how different shoes are needed for various sports, gym class, and school. The correct type of shoe helps us to do our best.

In Ephesians 6:15 there are several words that may need explaination to the child.  The word “shod” means to bind on.  I grew up with horses so when I think of  the word “shod” I think of nailing on a horse’s shoe.  So “bind” would mean to tightly fasten to your feet. The word “preparation” means to be prepared.  The word “gospel” means the good news of Jesus Christ.  The word “peace” means the salvation we have through Jesus Christ. Sure there are other kinds of peace but true peace is only found in Jesus.

Help your child remember each day when he or she puts on those new shoes to also put on the shoes of peace from God’s Word.

The special shoes that God  teaches us about in Ephesians 6 are just a part of the entire armor of God.  To learn more about all of the armor of God read Ephesians 6:10-20.

God is so good to teach us His Word through things such as shoes in our every day life.   Take advantage of “teachable moments” and bring God’s Word alive to your child.

Until the next “Truth” telling moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson






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