Grow More Than Vegetables This Summer With Your Kids

Daily Truth:  You (God) cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth.  Psalm 104:14  ESV

Grow more than a garden
Grow more than a garden

There is still time to plant and grow a garden before summer arrives.   Bring God’s Word alive for your children by teaching them how to plant, cultivate, and harvest a garden this summer.

Some easy plants to grow from seeds are green beans, pumpkins and zucchini. If you feel uncomfortable growing seeds try a tomato, basil or oregano plant.  Tomato, basil, and oregano plants are great to plant as all three work well in making tomato sauce for an easy spaghetti dinner to be enjoyed later in the summer. Ask your local garden shop for the best way to grow the plants you decide to purchase for your area.

Teaching your child how to tend a garden takes time and patience.  What great character qualities to instill.  Time and patience  are modeled  to your child as you plant, tend and care for the seeds and plants together this summer.

Whether growing a vegetable or flower garden there are ways to involve even  young children.  For the young child begin with larger seeds as sunflowers, pumpkins, or squash seeds.  These seeds will be easier for a child’s fine motor skills.  Tools that are a children size such as a shovel and wheelbarrow make gardening more fun. The child can model their parent using the same grown up tools. After planting, watering is best with a sprinkling can or a nozzle attached to the hose so the seeds and plants do not get washed away. God’s sunshine and rain (or your child’s watering) will in time grow your plants to maturity. I know that you will all enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Some wonderful children’s books about gardening and growing plants include:  “Roots, Shoots, Buckets, and Boots” by Sharon Lovejoy,  “Planting a Rainbow ” by Lois Ehlert,  “Gardening with Kids” by Catherine Woram and  Martyn Cox, and “Jack’s Garden” by Henry Cole.

There are many references to plants and growing in the Bible. A good word study may include looking up the verses of the Bible that contain the word “grow”.  Make this summer one of growth for your  family both physically and spiritually.

When teaching the Bible verse Psalm 104:14 to your child make sure that they understand each word.  The word “livestock” means horses, cattle, sheep or any other useful animals kept on a farm or ranch. The word “cultivate” means to improve or promote the growth of a plant by attention and care.

By having a better understanding of the words and concepts in the Bible your child will understand God better.  With practical application of God’s Word, as actually growing and cultivating a plant, children are able to learn about God and the world He created.    A child also learns how amazing it is to watch a plant grow and eventually provide food just as Psalm 104:14 states.

“The wonderful thing about garden-based learning is that it’s a hands-on, minds-on experience where my students and I learn together.” Kids and Classroom

Gardening is a “growing experience” in that both child and adult learn from watching and participating in life together.

Check out Truths for Tots on Pinterest or Facebook.

Until the next “Truth” telling moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson





Why, When and Where to Pray: The Bible Tells Us and Jesus Shows Us

Daily Truth: Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed  into a solitary place, and there He prayed.    Mark 1:35


Early in the morning is sometimes the only time when all is quiet and time to pray is uninterrupted.  In order to have the time and energy to get up early takes planning the night before.  With little ones it is more difficult to plan as their needs sometimes dictate the schedule.  Spending time with God is the most important thing you will do and once the day begins it is very difficult to stop, pause and reflect once in motion. Planning with flexibility is what a mom is about right?  So plan carefully with time for prayer as a priority.

The verb “pray” is found 146 times in the Bible.  We are taught how to pray in Matthew 6:13-19 when Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray by teaching them the Lord’s Prayer.

The following is a list of times, places, and reasons to pray from the Bible.

1.   Paul tells us to “pray without ceasing” in 1 Thessalonians 5:17.  Think about all the  questions you answer or how many times you are giving directions to your children throughout the day.  That is how much time we are to communicate with God.  Prayer is talking to God.  God wants a relationship with us. He speaks through His Word the Bible and communicates through prayer.  How easy is that?  No iPhone, Droid, Bluetooth, etc. required!

2.   In Mark 1:35 we are told that Jesus prayed in the morning before all the activities of he day.  Jesus is our example in all things.  Planning in the evening to go to bed at a specific time will help establish a regular wake up time.

3.  In Matthew 6:6 we are shown to pray in solitude.  And yes that can mean behind a bathroom door but better elsewhere.  By having a specific time and place each day your prayer time will be more meaningful and special.  When you are a mother of little ones or a mother of a child with special needs, early morning is the only time that you can call your own.  God wants to spend time with just you.  We need the time with God.

4.   Matthew 5:44 we are to pray for our enemies. When we focus on the needs of others rather than ourselves it places us in a place of humbleness.  God is ultimately in control.  By praying for our enemies we take ourselves out and let God work.  It keeps our focus in line with Christ.  Jesus Christ came so we might have life, and what an abundant life we have!

5. Sometimes we are overcome with such grief that we cannot think of any words to articulate.  That is when Romans 8:26 gives us hope.  The Holy Spirit will help us in our weaknesses when we do not know what to pray.

6.  In Ephesians 6:13-18 we are told to put on the full armor of God and to cover it in prayer. Learn about the armor of God, place it on yourself and dress your children in it as well.  Then as written in Ephesians 6:18 cover it all in prayer.

The Bible tells us how, when, where, and why to pray.  When we pray we are giving God glory, confessing our sins, showing our thankfulness, and making requests.  It is a privilege that we are able to talk to God at any time and any place.

There are many books and devotionals that teach us about prayer.  Please check out my Pinterest board on “Prayer” at Truths for Tots.

“Bow, stubborn knees!” William Shakespeare

“Prayer is simply a two-way conversation between you and God.” Billy Graham

“The prayer offered to God in the morning during your quiet time is the key that unlocks the door of the day.  Any athlete knows that it is the start that ensures a good finish.” Adrian Rogers

 When and where do you pray?

Until the next “Truth” telling moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson

The Work of His Hand: We Are Just the Pottery

Daily Truth:  But now, O LORD, you are the Father; we are the clay, and you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
Isaiah 64:8

9757937What an incredible picture! God is our Creator and the potter. We are his vessels or pottery.  He shaped and molded us.

When a child understands the way in which pottery is made there is a better understanding about the verses in the Bible which use the words clay and potter. The clay begins as just a lump of matter (which is made up of elements known as silicates along with water, oxygen, and trace minerals) on the potter’s wheel. The clay is carefully molded by the potter’s hands into a masterpiece.

I find it interesting that water must be added to the clay to aid in the transformation. Without water we are unable to live. Water is cleansing too. In John 4:10 Jesus is the living water. In John 5:12 “He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.” Just as clay needs water to be molded we too need “living water” to be cleansed and transformed.

A valuable experience that would lead to a clearer understanding of the clay and potter relationship is to have your child make their own piece of pottery or to plan a visit in which he or she can watch pottery being made. The  following video shows how a potter makes pottery. (click here to watch video)

It is interesting in the video when the potter blows into the vessel.  The breath from the potter gives shape and form to the clay.  It reminds me of the verse in Genesis 2:7 “then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and then the man became a living creature.”

Job 33:6 “Truly I am as your spokesman before God; I also have been formed out of clay.”

God’s Word is truly amazing.  God gives us word pictures to aid in our understanding of His Word.

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson


How Does God Get Your Attention? See and Listen

Daily Truth:  “I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why this bush does not burn.”  Exodus 3:3

God knows us better than we know ourselves.  He knows how to get our attention.  Are we being attentive?  Do you see?

School Buses

A bush that was on fire but not being consumed was what got Moses’ attention.

What does it take for God to get your attention?

God got my attention, as a new believer, with three bright yellow school buses. Our family was looking to relocate as my husband had a new job.  We had made several trips to the new location in hopes of finding a house to rent or buy.

As I was sitting at the McDonald’s in our current location, with our very young children I noticed three school buses in the parking lot.  Between eating french fries and opening Happy Meals I read the city on the first bus.  I thought how interesting, it is the town where my husband and I grew up.  Then I read the city on the second school bus and realized it was the town in which we were currently living.  On the third bus was the suburb that we had recently looked at a house to rent in the city where we were moving.

I then realized there in the parking lot was my past, present and future.  I laughed as I realized that God had to speak to me with three, huge, yellow buses.  By the way, we did rent the home in the suburb listed on that third bus.

In Matthew 26:36-46 Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane.  He took Peter, James and John.  Jesus ask them to wait and stay awake with him as he was feeling deep anguish.  After praying Jesus walks back to the disciples and finds them asleep.  He said to Peter, “Couldn’t you stay awake with me for one hour?”

Jesus walks away again a second time to pray.  When Jesus returns he finds them all sleeping again.

After leaving a third time to pray the same prayer Jesus comes back and said to them, “You might as well sleep now.  The time is near for the Son of Man to be handed over to sinners.”

Jesus tried to get the attention of his disciples three times.  The disciples did not realize the gravity of the situation even though the “Son of Man” was asking them to stay awake with him.

Why do we not know when God is trying to get our attention?  Are we too tired, depressed, over wrought with daily life, make no time for God and his Word, or maybe you have never asked Jesus to take your will and make it His own.  God wants to have a relationship with us.  He is as close as you allow him to be in your life.  God is always trying to get our attention.

God will meet your where you are.  God knows if you need three, huge, yellow school buses or if He can just point you to a verse in His Word.

Does God have your attention?

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep……..

Daily Truth:

“I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;

For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.”

 Psalm 4:8

good night

Ahh it is the end of a busy  day.  Ending the day with beautiful music and God’s Word is a perfect ending to maybe a not so perfect day.

Listen to the excerpt from “Scripture Lullabies” provided in the link below.

“Hidden In My Heart” Scripture Lullabies

Days are busy and sometimes seem too long.  Sometimes just to complete the chores, activities, meals, homework, and then  to make plans for the following day can be overwhelming.  But actually time is short.  I have one married son and a daughter who will be married in 2 months.  Where did all those childhood days go?  Did I prepare them for life?  Was I a good example?  Do they love God with all their heart, soul, strength and mind?   As parents all we can do is our best each day.  My life verse is Philippians 4:13,  “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”  All days are busy and some days are better than others.  Looking back, on  good days I allowed Christ to give me strength and on the not so good days I allowed me to take over.

Beyond meeting the daily needs of our families, our main task is to point our children to Christ.  Children are blessings from our heavenly Father. He entrusts them to our care for a season.  Life choices, circumstances and Satan try to trip us up as parents.   Yet, Jesus has told us that He has overcome the world.  What words of encouragement that verse has become.  God gives us what we need to meet the needs of every day in every situation.

Time goes quickly so cherish the moments.  My daughter in law is flying in for my daughter’s wedding shower this weekend.  Bridesmaids are coming in from different states too. It once was play days and sleepovers.  Instead of a birthday party with friends, family and  gifts this weekend  it will be a wedding shower with family, friends, and  gifts to help  my daughter set up her own home. Today is a day of endings and  beginnings.  Take each moment to teach and impart God’s ways and words into your little ones lives for they grow up quickly to have families of their own.

The music previewed in the introductory video is a wonderful way to impart God’s Word.   This music with Scripture allows children’s minds and hearts to fall asleep to God’s love letters, His Word.  What better ending to a busy day:)

May we continually hide God’s Word in our hearts and minds.

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson