Back to School and On Our Knees


School and Prayer Blog

Daily Truth:  “If God is for us, who can be against us?”  Romans 8:31

School buses in the neighborhood means that school is back in full swing.  Morning alarms are set for the new schedule.  New books to study, new friends to meet, new teachers to greet, and children with a variety of emotions.

Some children look forward to the routine, meeting new friends, seeing old friends, learning new things, eating a school lunch or opening and eating a packed lunch. Other children want to keep playing outside, have no interest in a schedule particularly one that includes homework.   Children approach the back to school time of year with a variety of emotions.

Preschool age or college age the child prepares for school in their own way.

Our youngest son made sure that his electronics were in order with the most current technology before he left for college.   No need for thinking about clothing or toiletries it was all about the electronics.  As I reflect on my daughter as she got ready for college she wanted to coordinate the dorm room decorating with her roommate.  It was all about the design, color, and organization of the room.  Our oldest son made sure that he had new strings on his guitar. I can still see him sitting on his bed tuning his guitar after restringing the instrument with clothing in piles at his feet a day before he left for his freshman year of college.

God has made each child with likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses.   As parents we need to watch with wisdom as our children grow.  Sometimes a cheerleader is needed while at other times a listening ear and discerning spirit is required.  It is good to know that our heavenly Father knows what we all need, parents included.

I think one reason God gives us children that are so different from one another and ourselves is so we will have to cling to Him for guidance.  If not we can become prideful if all is going well (those rare moments are cherished) or we can become overwhelmed with inadequacy (which is often the case).

There are many books that are helpful in guiding us as we pray for our children. Shepherding the Child’s Heart and Praying the Scriptures for Your Children are two of my favorites.

The main thing about parenting is to remain on your knees.  Parenting is a wonderful journey even though not always easy but, when we enlist our Heavenly Father to lead the way the journey is sweeter.  We are can only see what is in front of us but God’s perspective is infinite and perfect.

No matter the age of your children you will always be their parent.  Roles change but it is good to know that God is always for us and that we can talk with Him in prayer and study His Word that so richly leads us to truth.

Children, families, parents, backgrounds, environments, are all different yet God is the same and wants us to love and trust Him.  With God on our side who can be against us?

This school year will present new challenges but we are not alone.  I have a provided a “PRAYER” chart for parents and a prayer organizer to encourage you as you lift your child in prayer this year. PRAYER for parents as you raise your children

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson


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Light Means More than Spring Has Sprung

Daily Truth:  “And God saw the light, that is was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.”  Genesis 1:4


Just as we begin to enjoy the earlier sunrise of late winter-SMACK-Daylight Saving Time is upon us.

Why do we enjoy beginning our day in the light rather than the dark?  For me it is the singing of the birds, the beauty of the sun piercing through the dark, and knowing no matter what, God is in control with the rising of the sun.

Why are we disgruntled with extended darkness?  I find it more difficult to get motivated in the darkness of morning-let’s face it-doesn’t a beautiful sunrise put a smile on our face?

The Bible uses the word “light” in this context over one hundred times.  In the third verse of the Bible we read that the first thing God created was light.  Genesis 1:3 “And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.”

It is amazing to think that the sun is just the right distance (92,960,000 miles) from the earth to provide us with warmth, food, and fuel. Any difference of distance would alter our life drastically.  What a great God to create all things so perfectly.

Truths for Tots

  • Turn out the lights and then illustrate how a flashlight brightens the room and directs our path. (Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.)
  • Plan a camp out so the sunrise and sunset will illustrate the importance of light.  (Genesis 1:16 Then God made two great lights, the greater to rule the day and the lesser to rule the night.  He made stars also.)
  • Discuss how the LORD guides us and leads us.  We do not need to be afraid of the dark.  (Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; when shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?)

Truths for Parents

My grandmother lived to be 99 years old.  She lived in the time period when the Wright Brothers flew their first airplane, Henry Ford brought cars to the masses, and Thomas Edison’s incandescent light bulb was perfected by William D. Coolidge in 1908 so that homes were lit by lamps rather that candles.  My grandmother said that the best invention of her time was the incandescent lamp.

Light changes everything!

John 8:2 “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying,’ I am the light of the world.  He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.’ ”

As we walk through these days before Resurrection Sunday, may we prayerfully consider how Jesus is the light of the world.  You no longer need to walk in darkness.  You can have as much light as you want.

For more information about Jesus as the light of the world please check out the link .

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson




Sing, It Does a Heart Good

Daily Truth:  “They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, And shall sing of Your righteousness.”  Psalm 145:7  NKJV

Sing, It Does a Heart Good

Why is the musical The Sound of Music so popular?  It is a wonderful, true story about the singing Von Trapp family.  One of the most memorable lyrics in the score is, “the hills are alive, with the sound of music.”  The hills (God’s creation) with all the surrounding life are filled with music.  How sweet are the sounds of the mountain streams, birds, other wildlife and then to be captured in music brings joy to our hearts and ultimately praise to a great God.

Sometimes it is only music that can lift our hearts or help us to “[bring] every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

At dawn the birds begin to sing.  I like to think they are praising God for the new day. The birds even provide an example for us.

As Spurgeon writes in The Practice of Praise, “When the heart is most adoring and selects the grandest theme for reverent song it chooses the meeting of goodness and righteousness as it topic.”

Singing praises to God blesses us and blesses God.  Don’t you love it when  your children are playing and they spontaneously begin singing a Bible song?  How much more does our Heavenly Father love to hear us, his children, singing praise about Him and to Him?

There are many ways to teach children to sing praises to God through His Word.  Make up a melody, use a well know children’s melody, or use one of the following links that teach Bible verses with music accompaniment.   Children Desiring God   John 3:16-17           John 1:1-2  Psalm 107:1

Another lovely resource that is wonderful for both parent and child is Scripture Lullabies. (click on Home after this link and it will open)

As Spurgeon writes, “sweeten your lips with the pleasant confection of praise…praise God extravagantly if you can.  Try it.”  “There are no limits to the deserving of God who ever blesses.”

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson




Can You Hear Me Now?

Daily Truth:   “If anyone has an ear, let him hear.”

 Revelation 13:9 NKJV

listening ear

How many times have you lost a connection on your cell phone?  It is frustrating to say the least. It is also frustrating when you speak to your children and they do not answer.

Listening is a skill that needs to be taught.  In this world of changing technology and fast paced life, to slow down and pay attention to the spoken and written word takes self-discipline and practice.

I wonder how many times God speaks to us through His Word and we do not pay attention?  At times we do not make time to pray, read the Bible, or listen intently to God’s Word being taught.  We too can be like children and allow inattentiveness to be our norm. Our Heavenly Father is patient and teaches us how to listen if we will take the time to learn.  If we become better listeners we are better equipped to teach listening skills to our children.

I admit, when my children were growing up, I should have listened better.  To be still and listen instead of allowing my mind to race ahead to answer the child or adult talking to me has taken practice…and yes still practicing.  I am so glad God is patient and listens to my cries for help.

God shows us in His Word how to listen so we may hear with intention.

  1. God is a good listener.  “Blessed be the LORD, because He has heard the voice of my supplications!”  Psalm 28:6  We need to listen to our children with our eyes, ears, and stop what we are doing so our attention is modeled and we too can hear what our children are saying.

Be intentional about teaching your children about Jesus and pray that God will speak to the heart of your children.

  1. A Christian can hear God speaking to their heart.  John 10:27 ‘My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow Me.’
  2. A Christian can hear God’s Word and understand it.  Matthew 13:23 ‘But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.’  Pray that the ears of your child will be opened to hear Jesus’ Words.

Object Lesson to Teach  Attentive Hearing to Children

Show photos of ears or point to ears of your children.  Ears are made for listening.

The Bible talks about different kinds of ears. Ask the child, “Think about what kind of ears you have as the different ears are shared.”

  • The first ones are closed ears.  One day the Lord Jesus met a man who could not hear. He was deaf; his ears were closed.   Jesus said one word to this man which meant “to open” and then the man could hear perfectly. (Mark 7:34)
  • Some people have close ears because they have chosen to close their ears. Jesus met some people who could hear people speak, but they could not understand what the Lord Jesus was saying to them. (Matthew 13:15)  Pray that your child would have open ears to hear what the Lord Jesus is saying.
  • There is a boy in the Bible who had “opened ears” his name is Samuel.  He heard God speaking to him and obeyed right away. (1 Samuel 3:10) God today speaks to us through His Word, the Bible.  Ask the child if their ears are open to God’s Word.
  • Ask children to place their hands over their ears and begin talking.  Now have the children uncover their ears and begin talking.  Ask which way could they hear better.  Also discuss how sitting quietly helps when listening.

Attentive hearing listens with the heart.  There are over 500 times in the NKJV where the word “hear” appears.  Hearing is important to God.

In the book of Revelation God asks us ten times to hear what He has to say.  Wow, we are just like children needing to hear things repeated.  With patience, love, prayer, and consistency may we all become better listeners and then teach this to the children God has entrusted to our care.

Can you hear me now? Better yet, Can You Hear God Better Now?

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson







Elohim, Creator of All

Daily Truth:   “In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth.”  Genesis 1:1

 from the Names of God Bible  

Wian 26

Did you know that there are many Hebrew names for God in the Old Testament?

Each Hebrew name of God teaches us about a character quality of God.  Elohim (e-lo-HEEM) is found in the very first verse of the Bible.  Elohim means “Living God, Creator of All”.  This name of God is found over 2,000 times in the Old Testament.  The next time you and your child go on a nature walk thank Elohim for the beautiful scenery, animals, and how all of nature works together in such harmony.

El Shadday (El shad-DAI) is another name of God.  This Hebrew name means “God Almighty”.  When things are happening in our lives it is good to know that God knows all.  He is powerful and mighty to take care of us.  When Abraham was 99 years old God came to him to tell him that he would finally have a son with his wife Sarah, who was well over childbearing age, that would provide him with many descendants.  God told Abraham, “I am El Shadday.”  (God Almighty) This promise was fulfilled with the birth of their son Isaac.   It is good to know that with God nothing is impossible.

Yahweh Shalom (Yah-WEH sha-LOME) is another Hebrew name of God which means “The LORD of Peace”.  It means much more than just our English word for peace.  It “usually refers to to the absence of outward conflict or a state of inner calm” according to Ann Spangler in Names of God Bible.  It comes when living in harmony with God. Gideon built an altar and called it Yahweh Shalom as read in Judges 6:24.   What a wonderful name of God particularly as we see and read about things happening in our world today.  “With perfect peace you will protect those whose minds, cannot be changed, because they trust you.” Isaiah 26:3 Names of God Bible. No wonder that God’s Son, Jesus Christ is called the Prince of Peace.

What’s in a Name? is a children’s book for ages 4-8.  This colorfully illustrated book will help your child learn some of the special names of God.  Before family time or family devotions find out the meaning  of the name belonging to each member of your family.   Read What’s in a Name? to show that children throughout the world have names that have special meanings. The book concludes by teaching four special names of God.

When you get to know someone you learn their name and things about them.  Help your child know God better by learning His special names.

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson







Praying Scripture for Our Families

Daily Truth:   “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16

Praying Scripture for our families is the most powerful weapon we have against our arch enemy – the devil. (Ephesians 6:11-18)

Praying Scripture for our families is the best gift a mother can give her children and her husband. (II Timothy 1:5)

Praying Scripture for our families enables us to come boldly to the throne room of our Heavenly Father. (Hebrews 4:16)

Praying Scripture for our families give us peace even in the midst of the most difficult trials. (John 14:27)

Praying Scripture for our families puts power behind God’s promises. (Isaiah 55:11)

Praying Scripture for our families strengthens our relationship both with our Heavenly Father as well as our children and husband. (Romans 8:15)

Praying Scripture for our family helps align our will with God’s will. (Matthew 26:42)

I could give personal examples for each of the reasons for praying Scripture for our families.  Time and space don’t permit me.  Believe me though, when I say that the Lord has shown me amazing things since I started this journey of praying Scripture for our families.

I am going to leave you with a few more tips on ways to implement praying Scripture for our families.

1.  Pray for a life verse for each member. When I started the process of praying Scripture for our families, I asked the Lord to give me specific life verses for each of my kids that I could pray for them.  Each verse that the Lord gave me fit that child specifically.

For instance, this is the verse the Lord gave me for my oldest.

Colossians 1:9-12

For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;

10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

11 Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;

12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:

Ok.  So it’s a little long.  But this fit my oldest to a “T”.  I then wrote out the verse and pasted it to the back of my Bible.  I encourage you to do the same for each of your children and for your husband as well.

2.  Make a 31 day prayer booklet for your family.  This idea was given to me by a dear friend (thank the Lord for friends that encourage us in the faith).  I am going to work on it this summer.

Basically, you take a 3×5 card and write a verse to pray for your family that day.  Then, list each family member out and write next to their name a specific way you can pray that verse for them for that day.

3.  Get a prayer partner.  This has been the most amazing encouragement to me.  I have a couple of friends that we will text prayer requests back and forth (technology is amazing).  It is such a blessing to know that you have other people praying with you for your family.

4.  Tell your family.  I know this may seem redundant but tell your kids that you are praying scripture for them.  Be specific.

When my oldest went to Costa Rica on a mission trip over spring break, I was a little…ok…A LOT nervous about sending her even though we had complete confidence in the ladies she was going with.  But you know, it’s a mom thing.

So, I took  my fear and decided to use that to pray specific Scripture for her.  Before she left, I wrote her a card for each day with a different verse that I would pray for her that day.  One day it was on safety, another on witnessing, and so on.

She loved knowing the fact that not only was her mom praying for her but that I was praying specific promises for her each day.

I also let my husband know.  He has told me how much he appreciates it.  Often, I have no idea what his day is like, but the Lord brings certain verses to mind and the verses always seem to coincide with something that happened that day.  Amazing how God works that!

5.  Display the verse.  When praying Scripture for our families, be sure to display the verse that you are currently praying somewhere in the house.  It could be on a mirror, on a window, on paper on the fridge, on a chalkboard.

Ladies, may I encourage you to be not just mother’s of prayer, but mother’s praying Scripture for our families.

Found this poem on the internet the other day.  I don’t know who wrote it but I hope it is as much of blessing to you as it was to me.

Some have had kings in their lineage,
Some to whom honor was paid.
Not blest of my ancestors – but,
I have a mother who prays.
I have a mother who prays for me
And pleads with the Lord every day for me.
Oh what a difference it makes for me – 
I have a mother who prays.
Some have worldly success
And trust in riches they’ve made – 
This is my surest asset,
I have a mother who prays.
My mother’s prayers cannot save me,
Only mine can avail;
But mother introduced me to Someone – 
Someone who never could fail.
Oh yes..I have a mother who prays for me
And pleads with the Lord every day for me.
O what a difference it makes for me – 
I have a mother who prays.
Author Unknown

Until next week,




Praying for the Salvation of Our Children

Daily Truth: “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation..”  Romans 10:10


Praying for the salvation of our children should be the first promise that we claim in praying Scriptures for our children.

In three of the four gospels, Christ uses the phrase, “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of God.”  (Matthew 19:14)

The Lord himself was concerned about the salvation of our children.

Let’s put it in context.

Christ, with His disciples, crosses the Sea of Galilee to Judea.  There a multitude of people were following Him.

Some needed physical healing others spiritual.

Then the pharisees come and try to trick Christ with a question.  Christ answers their question using scripture.

Then mother’s bring their children to Christ in order for Him to bless them.

Now the disciples try to push the children aside.  After all the children were probably dirty from the dust of the day.  Christ had just had a very busy morning healing the sick, rebuking the pharisees, etc.  Why would Christ even want to bother with the children?

But Christ wants to bothered with the children and He rebukes the disciples.

He then tells the disciples that unless you have the faith of a child you cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven.  (Mark 10:13-15)

Christ was so concerned about the salvation of our children that He had the Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record it in their books.

You see, the praying for the salvation of our children at a young age is vital.

I realize that not everyone has the privilege of being saved at a young age nor will they necessarily get to see the salvation of their children at a young age.

When I was in junior high, I really struggled with the fact that I was saved at the age of 4.  I didn’t have an amazing testimony to tell like some of the older folks in our church did.  I mean really, how bad of a sinner could a 4 year old be?  At least that was my thought.

The devil really used that thought process to question my salvation.

However, my wonderful pastor’s wife used the passage illustrated above to help me understand that God wants the salvation of our children no matter what age.  She reminded me that my testimony was the fact that God spared me of all the scars that sin can leave on a life when they are without Christ.

I will never forget that.

In Jodie Berndt’s book, Praying the Scriptures for Your Children, she gives to vital points in praying Scripture for the salvation of our children.

1.  When we pray for the salvation of our children, we are joining God in the work He is doing in their lives.

In other words, we can’t save our children no matter what we do.  It is God alone that brings salvation to our children.  However, God wants us to pray for the salvation of our children.  When we do that we are partnering with God.

A perfect example of this is Timothy.  Paul writes that Timothy was taught from a young age the scriptures that brought him salvation.  Who did that?  His mother and grandmother.  They became partners with God for Timothy.  (II Timothy 3:15)

2.  “Praying for the salvation of our children is asking God to give them the only gift that lasts forever.”

We cannot take anything to Heaven except for the souls we helped bring to Christ.  I desire nothing more than to have all my children one day in Heaven with me.

In praying for the salvation of my children, that is exactly what I am asking of God – to allow me to see my children in Heaven with me.

God answered that prayer for me this year.

This past year the Lord allowed me to see my two boys accept Christ as their Savior.  I cannot express the joy that brings when you hear the simple prayer of your children asking Jesus into their little lives.

Their prayers are so simple, yet so filled with insurmountable faith.

Then to see the excitement on their faces when they just have to tell EVERYBODY!!!!

Now all my children will be in Heaven with me one day.  My work is far from done, though.

The salvation of our children is by far the item at the top of our prayer list.

Here are two passages to use to pray for the salvation of our children.

II Corinthians 4:4b&6

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Acts: 26:18

To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

Ladies, remember to stand back, get out of God’s way, and pray that God will save their little hearts.

Until next week,




Praying Scripture for Your Children

Daily Truth:  “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”  II Timothy 3:16



Before Easter, I suggested we start praying scripture for our children.

When I started this a few weeks ago, I started pondering reasons that I should be praying scripture for my children.  I came up with 5 reasons although I am sure there are others.

Do you have your journals ready?

WARNING:  There are going to be days that the devil is going to cause you to doubt the validity of praying scripture for your children.  You need to be able to grab these verses quickly.  Nothing will defeat the lies of the devil faster than God’s Word of Truth!

1.  Satan wants our children.  Satan knows that the only thing we can take to Heaven with us are those things we do for Christ here on earth.  Our mission as mom’s is to raise our children in a way that would honor Christ.  So, don’t you think Satan will stop at nothing to get our children?

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Ephesians 6:2

“And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat”  Luke 22:31


2.  We are commanded to pray for our children.

Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift up thy hands toward him for the life of thy young children”  Lamentations 2:19

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints”  Ephesians 6:18

Although these verses aren’t direct commands for praying scripture for our children, the command is there to pray.

I had never seen this verse in Lamentations before.  In chapter 2 God is describing His wrath being poured out on His people for their sins.  However, verse 19 can still be used for us today. We need to, as mother’s be willing to pour out our hearts to God and lift to Him the lives of our young children.  The picture of a mother overcome with grief for the life of her children is such a strong image.


3.  We receive God’s power and have direct access to God.

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”  James 5:16

The Amplified Bible translates it as follows:  “The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working”

Imagine – when we pray earnestly and continually we are tapping into God’s power!  Praying scripture for our children gives us promises that we can claim for our children and that is powerful!

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”  Hebrews 4:16

We are to come boldly (fearlessly) before God’s throne when praying scripture for our children.  He is not a God or King to cower in fear from.  He wants to hear our petitions.


4.  Scripture is God’s Word.  I know this seems obvious.  But think about it ladies.  When we are praying scripture we are praying God’s actual words to Him.  We are praying His promises.  God says that He is not slack concerning His promises.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”  John 1:1

Excuse the length of this next passage.  However, once again the word picture is too beautiful to ignore.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”  Isaiah 55:9-11


5.  God’s Word is powerful.

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”  Hebrews 4:12

The image here is of one going to battle against their fiercest enemy.  Remember the first point in praying scripture for our children?  We are battling the Prince of the Air.  He is our fiercest enemy.   Praying Scripture is that sword that we need to battle Satan.

Take that blue highlighter (or whatever color) and go through your Bible and highlight these verses.

Then dig deeper and find other verse that you can use to support these reasons for praying scripture for our children.

Until Next Week,





He is Risen! – Easter Story Cookies

Daily Truth:  “He is not here; He has risen, as He said [He would do]. Come, see the place where He lay.”  Matthew 28:6


He is risen!

The cry of Easter is heard throughout the World.

He is risen!

That phrase separates Christianity from all other religions.

My kids have been singing, “Christ the Lord is risen today”  all week.

So, they don’t understand all the words.  “Dark domain” was asked about.  But they get the main thrust of the song – Christ is risen from the grave and He is in Heaven preparing a place for us.

Easter Sunday is the most important holiday on the calendar.  Yet,  the cry, “He is Risen” is barely heard above the din of baskets full of candy, bunnies, and colored eggs.

So, how can we help our kiddos understand the real reason for Easter?

Every year, I have made Easter Story Cookies with my kids.  I considered skipping it this year until my youngest asked me if we were going to make those “empty tomb” cookies this year.

Here is the recipe.  It is not original with me.

1 c whole pecans                                                              zip-lock plastic bag

1 tsp. vinegar                                                                     wooden spoon

3 egg whites (room temperature)                                 tape (optional)

pinch of salt                                                                       Bible

1 c sugar                                                                            Cookie sheet covered in wax paper

1.  Preheat oven to 300 degrees.

2.  Place pecans in plastic bag.  Allow your child to beat them with a wooden spoon.  Explain that Jesus was beaten by the Roman soldiers. (John 19:1-3)

3.  Let your child smell the vinegar.  Put 1 tsp into a mixing bowl.  Explain that Jesus was given vinegar to drink while He was on the cross. (John 19:28-30)

4.  Add egg whites.  Eggs represent life.  Explain that Jesus gave His life for our sins. (John 10:10-11)

5.  Sprinkle a little salt on your child’s hand.  Let them taste it.  Sprinkle some salt into the bowl.  Explain that this represents the disciples tears. (Luke 23:26-28)

6.  Add one cup of sugar.  Explain that the fact that Jesus died because He loves us is the sweet part of the story. (Psalms 34:8  and John 3:16)

7.  Beat the ingredients with a mixer on high speed for 12-15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed.  Explain that the color white represents our hearts when Jesus cleanses them from sin. (Isaiah 1:18  and  John 3:1-3)

8.  Fold in pecans. Drop by teaspoons onto cookie sheet.  Explain that each mound represents Jesus’ tomb. (Matthew 27:57-60)

9.  Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door, and turn the oven off.  Explain that Jesus’ tomb was sealed. (Matthew 27:65-66)

10.  Tell your child it’s time for bed.  Explain that the disciples were sad when the disciples left Jesus’ body in the tomb. (John 16:20 -22)

On Easter Morning:

Open the oven and give each child a cookie.  When they bite the cookie it will be hollow.  Explain the disciples were amazed that Jesus’ tomb was empty.  He is risen!!    (Matthew 28:1-9)

My kiddos love making these.  It is a fun way to explain the Easter story to your little ones.

Have a wonderful Easter.  He is Risen!!!!



Praying for My Children

Daily Truth:  “For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him.”  I Samuel 1:27


Praying for my children.

Seems like such a simple task.  Yet, how often I have failed in this area.  Oh, I pray for my children.

“Help them to have a good day.’

“Help them to obey in school and to be kind.”

But I mean the type of praying for my children that parallels the pleading of the woman in Matthew 15:22-28 for her daughter.

This woman was so convinced that Jesus would heal her demon possessed daughter that she even endured the cruel remarks of the disciples.

She would not leave Jesus’ feet until her request had been answered.

She knew the power of “praying for my children”.

That’s the type of praying I am talking about.  The type of praying for my children in which I plead for them at Jesus’ feet.

Having been forced to “be still” for 2 1/2 weeks this is one thing that the Lord really convicted me about.  I mean REALLY convicted me.

I have this book entitled Praying the Scriptures for Your Children  by Jodie Berndt. I started reading it during that time.

This book was what I needed.  It is filled with scripture and encourages you to dig deeper into God’s Word.

Well, ladies, that’s what I did.

I started out by thinking of women in the Bible who prayed for their children.  We already discussed the desperate mother of a demon possessed child earlier.  But there are others.

 Hannah – Samuel’s mom.

She so desperately wanted a child.  Her husband’s other wife already had children and mocked Hannah because the “Lord had closed her womb“.

Elkanah was no help.  He asked Hannah why she wept, and wasn’t he enough.  Poor guy was clueless!

Hannah went to the temple to pray hoping to find peace and reassurance.  However, as she was pleading with God for a son (specific prayer) along comes Eli and thinks she’s drunk.

(Thought:  Have I ever prayed so fervently that people thought I was crazy?)

Hannah reassures him that she isn’t drunk and explains why she was there and for what she was praying.

Eli reassures her that God heard her prayer.

Hannah, in faith, returns home no longer sad.  Talk about knowing the power of praying for your children.

Sure enough God heard her cry and answered her prayer for a son.  Her prayer of thanksgiving has become one of the most famous verses for praying for a child and dedicating him to the Lord.

I Samuel 1:27-28   ” For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him.  Therefore I also have lent him to the Lord; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the Lord.” So they worshiped the Lord there.”

Eunice and Lois – Timothy’s mother and grandmother

Paul compares Timothy’s genuine faith to that of his mother and grandmother.  Although scripture doesn’t specifically say that they prayed for Timothy, we’re smart enough to connect the dots.

Genuine faith doesn’t just happen.  It is developed through scripture reading and prayer.

They saw the results of  “praying for my children” .

 Virtuous Woman

Once again scripture doesn’t specifically say that she prayed for her children.  Yet, we can surmise that this is true based off of Proverbs 31:30.

“But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.”

She understood the necessity of “praying for my children”.

The next few weeks, I would like you to explore this topic of “praying for my children” with me.  We are going to dig into God’s Word together.

You see, we aren’t just going to pray for our children.  We are going to pray specific scripture for our children.

Here is what you will need:

 – Bible

– Two journals (trust me)

– Highlighter

– Pen

– Glue

– Scissors (No, you aren’t cutting up your Bible)

– Access to (Although this isn’t absolutely necessary, it will be very helpful in locating scriptures.)

– A copy of  Praying the Scriptures for Your Children  by Jodie Berndt although not necessary it is super helpful.

Are you up to the challenge of not just “praying for my children”, but “praying SCRIPTURE for my children”?

Are you ready to have God work in your heart like never before?

Until next week,

