Back to School and On Our Knees


School and Prayer Blog

Daily Truth:  “If God is for us, who can be against us?”  Romans 8:31

School buses in the neighborhood means that school is back in full swing.  Morning alarms are set for the new schedule.  New books to study, new friends to meet, new teachers to greet, and children with a variety of emotions.

Some children look forward to the routine, meeting new friends, seeing old friends, learning new things, eating a school lunch or opening and eating a packed lunch. Other children want to keep playing outside, have no interest in a schedule particularly one that includes homework.   Children approach the back to school time of year with a variety of emotions.

Preschool age or college age the child prepares for school in their own way.

Our youngest son made sure that his electronics were in order with the most current technology before he left for college.   No need for thinking about clothing or toiletries it was all about the electronics.  As I reflect on my daughter as she got ready for college she wanted to coordinate the dorm room decorating with her roommate.  It was all about the design, color, and organization of the room.  Our oldest son made sure that he had new strings on his guitar. I can still see him sitting on his bed tuning his guitar after restringing the instrument with clothing in piles at his feet a day before he left for his freshman year of college.

God has made each child with likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses.   As parents we need to watch with wisdom as our children grow.  Sometimes a cheerleader is needed while at other times a listening ear and discerning spirit is required.  It is good to know that our heavenly Father knows what we all need, parents included.

I think one reason God gives us children that are so different from one another and ourselves is so we will have to cling to Him for guidance.  If not we can become prideful if all is going well (those rare moments are cherished) or we can become overwhelmed with inadequacy (which is often the case).

There are many books that are helpful in guiding us as we pray for our children. Shepherding the Child’s Heart and Praying the Scriptures for Your Children are two of my favorites.

The main thing about parenting is to remain on your knees.  Parenting is a wonderful journey even though not always easy but, when we enlist our Heavenly Father to lead the way the journey is sweeter.  We are can only see what is in front of us but God’s perspective is infinite and perfect.

No matter the age of your children you will always be their parent.  Roles change but it is good to know that God is always for us and that we can talk with Him in prayer and study His Word that so richly leads us to truth.

Children, families, parents, backgrounds, environments, are all different yet God is the same and wants us to love and trust Him.  With God on our side who can be against us?

This school year will present new challenges but we are not alone.  I have a provided a “PRAYER” chart for parents and a prayer organizer to encourage you as you lift your child in prayer this year. PRAYER for parents as you raise your children

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson


Photo credit: <a href=””></a> / <a href=””>Foter</a> / <a href=””>CC BY</a>





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