Praying for My Children

Daily Truth:  “For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him.”  I Samuel 1:27


Praying for my children.

Seems like such a simple task.  Yet, how often I have failed in this area.  Oh, I pray for my children.

“Help them to have a good day.’

“Help them to obey in school and to be kind.”

But I mean the type of praying for my children that parallels the pleading of the woman in Matthew 15:22-28 for her daughter.

This woman was so convinced that Jesus would heal her demon possessed daughter that she even endured the cruel remarks of the disciples.

She would not leave Jesus’ feet until her request had been answered.

She knew the power of “praying for my children”.

That’s the type of praying I am talking about.  The type of praying for my children in which I plead for them at Jesus’ feet.

Having been forced to “be still” for 2 1/2 weeks this is one thing that the Lord really convicted me about.  I mean REALLY convicted me.

I have this book entitled Praying the Scriptures for Your Children  by Jodie Berndt. I started reading it during that time.

This book was what I needed.  It is filled with scripture and encourages you to dig deeper into God’s Word.

Well, ladies, that’s what I did.

I started out by thinking of women in the Bible who prayed for their children.  We already discussed the desperate mother of a demon possessed child earlier.  But there are others.

 Hannah – Samuel’s mom.

She so desperately wanted a child.  Her husband’s other wife already had children and mocked Hannah because the “Lord had closed her womb“.

Elkanah was no help.  He asked Hannah why she wept, and wasn’t he enough.  Poor guy was clueless!

Hannah went to the temple to pray hoping to find peace and reassurance.  However, as she was pleading with God for a son (specific prayer) along comes Eli and thinks she’s drunk.

(Thought:  Have I ever prayed so fervently that people thought I was crazy?)

Hannah reassures him that she isn’t drunk and explains why she was there and for what she was praying.

Eli reassures her that God heard her prayer.

Hannah, in faith, returns home no longer sad.  Talk about knowing the power of praying for your children.

Sure enough God heard her cry and answered her prayer for a son.  Her prayer of thanksgiving has become one of the most famous verses for praying for a child and dedicating him to the Lord.

I Samuel 1:27-28   ” For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him.  Therefore I also have lent him to the Lord; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the Lord.” So they worshiped the Lord there.”

Eunice and Lois – Timothy’s mother and grandmother

Paul compares Timothy’s genuine faith to that of his mother and grandmother.  Although scripture doesn’t specifically say that they prayed for Timothy, we’re smart enough to connect the dots.

Genuine faith doesn’t just happen.  It is developed through scripture reading and prayer.

They saw the results of  “praying for my children” .

 Virtuous Woman

Once again scripture doesn’t specifically say that she prayed for her children.  Yet, we can surmise that this is true based off of Proverbs 31:30.

“But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.”

She understood the necessity of “praying for my children”.

The next few weeks, I would like you to explore this topic of “praying for my children” with me.  We are going to dig into God’s Word together.

You see, we aren’t just going to pray for our children.  We are going to pray specific scripture for our children.

Here is what you will need:

 – Bible

– Two journals (trust me)

– Highlighter

– Pen

– Glue

– Scissors (No, you aren’t cutting up your Bible)

– Access to (Although this isn’t absolutely necessary, it will be very helpful in locating scriptures.)

– A copy of  Praying the Scriptures for Your Children  by Jodie Berndt although not necessary it is super helpful.

Are you up to the challenge of not just “praying for my children”, but “praying SCRIPTURE for my children”?

Are you ready to have God work in your heart like never before?

Until next week,








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