Let the Children Come

Daily Truth:   “But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.'”  Matthew 19:14


Jesus views us as children.  “For such is the kingdom of heaven” means that heaven is

Jesus and childrenfor all of God’s children who have come to Him while on earth.


One day several years ago, my husband and I were so happy for one of our children as they were accomplishing a goal that they had sought for a long time.  In that very day we also received a call about one of our other children’s huge disappointment. We were so happy for one child yet so very saddened for our other child.

As I thought about the circumstances over that weekend I felt as though I had maybe an inkling of how God feels when He looks at us. He sees all His children at one time.  What great joy He has looking  at some of his children yet what grief He has looking at His other children. The range of emotions is difficult for a mother but as I cried out to God, He calmed my heart and allowed me to feel His love in a new way.  No matter the circumstance He loves us!  A mother’s love for her children is similar in that love is a constant factor no matter what is changing in the world or what our children are doing.

When I read the words “Let the children come unto me” I know that God is talking to me as well as my children.  Those words bring comfort to me and encouragement that I need to share with my children.

This weekend as we celebrate Palm Sunday, Jesus’ joyful entrance into Jerusalem, let us remember the joy and yet the grief God must have had as His only Son rode that donkey as everyone shouted, “Hosanna”.

God’s love is great. God’s forgiveness is great.  God’s mercy is great.  God’s grace is great.

Have your children wave palm branches this Sunday and pretend that Jesus;  this one who  made the blind to see, the lame to walk, dead to rise and spoke of God and the Scriptures like no other coming down the road to your home town. Help them experience the great joy the Jewish children and parents must have felt as Jesus rode by them as He came into Jerusalem.

“Let the children come unto Me”.

Let us share the love of Jesus to the children God has entrusted to our care.  Let us share in the joy of that  wonderful entrance into Jerusalem.

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson



















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