Father’s Hands: A Picture of Strength

Daily Truth:  “My Father, Who has given them to Me, is greater and mightier than all [else]; and no one is able to snatch [them] out of the Father’s hand.”  John 10:29
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My father’s hands holding my newborn nephew.


This week, with Father’s Day approaching, I have been contemplating a father’s hands.

You see, a person’s hands can tell so much about them.

A father’s hands can show and teach so many character qualities that we would want to see in our children.

A father’s hands can shape and mold.

So, Father’s Day holds mixed emotions for our family.

We of course celebrate all the wonderful things about my hubs and what an outstanding father he is to the kids.

Yet, I can’t help but be overcome with the fact that all though I can remember all the qualities that made my dad a wonderful father, I can’t share those with him.

The picture above is one of my favorite pics of my dad.  You don’t see his face, but the picture depicts all that he was.  It’s all in my father’s hands.

What do a father’s hands represent?

A father’s hands represents kindness.  They show that even though evil things happen, his hands will show us the kindness we need to see.

A father’s hands represent gentleness.  Who else’s hands can be so full of strength yet, can hold a newborn with utmost care.

A father’s hands represent love.  It warms my heart to see my hubs holding the hands of my kids.

A father’s hands represent protection.  They remind us that he will do everything in his power to protect us.

A father’s hands represents strength.  They show us that they will pull us up when we need help, but will let us go when it is time.

A father’s hands represent sacrifice.  They remind us of the hours that are put into providing for his family.

A father’s hands represent determination.  They show us that many things can be accomplished with hard work and a “never-give-up” attitude.

A father’s hands represent patience.  I am reminded of this everytime my husband allows the boys to “help” him with jobs around the house.

Our Heavenly Father’s hands bring such vivid pictures to mind.

I am reminded of the story in John of Thomas.

Remember, he was not with the other disciples that saw Christ after His resurrection.  Can you imagine the excitement and breathless wonder of the disciples as they tell Thomas that Christ is indeed risen like He said.

Then Thomas’ response is something like a “party pooper”.  “Yeah, well, except I see the nail prints in His hands and can put my hand in His side, I cannot believe a word you say.”

Nothing like putting a damper on a good mood.

Then 8 days later, the disciples are once again gathered together in a room with the door shut and the Lord miraculously walks into the room.

Thomas doesn’t believe even then it is Christ until Christ says to Thomas to touch the nail prints of His hands and thrust his in hand into Jesus’ side.

That’s when Thomas’ faith is restored.

In John 10, Jesus is talking to the Jews because they want proof that He is the promised Messiah.

Jesus explains to them that all the miracles He is doing is proof that He is the Messiah, yet they don’t believe because they are not His sheep.  In other words, they didn’t have a personal belief that He was the Messiah.

Jesus makes the statement that once we are His no one – not man or the powers of Satan – could pluck those who believe out of His Father’s Hands.

Our Heavenly Father’s hands show us His amazing love, His power over death, Hell, and Satan, His protection, and His gentleness.

As we come to Father’s Day, remember the lessons that can be taught our children by our Father’s hands.

Until next week,

Rebekah Klink






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