How to Help Children Understand the Boston Tragedy through God’s Truths – Truths for Tots

Daily Truth: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.  “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are my ways higher than your ways, And my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9


I am not packaging the Boston Tragedy into a neat and tidy Christian package with expected answers.  This is Christianity at it’s rawest…when we don’t know the right answers and we are wondering the same things as our children.  Yet, we can put our confidence in a God who cares and the Truth of His Word..

We all saw the pictures: the smoke, the chaos, the pain, the sorrow, the victims, and the heroes.

We heard the reports:  the cries, the shock, and the unbelievable.

Boston has brought up many interesting conversations with all of my children and with many of my friends.

We sat back and wondered, “What is happening in our world that even an event such as the Boston Marathon would be a bomb sight?”  What should have been a time a rejoicing over such elite accomplishments turned into a time of utter horror.

We all held our children a little closer that night and the days and nights afterwards.

Although we did our best to shield our children from the horrors of Boston, they still picked up on it.

So, how do we deal with these events and our children?  “Oh, my child is only 2 or 3.  They don’t know what happened?” Really?  Don’t you think they can sense the fear and hear our anxious hushed whispers and sense that something isn’t right. How do we answer their questions honestly,  appropriately, and based on God’s Truth.

1.  Remind your children that all are born sinners (Rom. 5:12)  and we all have sinned (Rom. 3:23).  Without Jesus we are capable of doing horrible things.

2. Remind your children that God is not surprised by what happens.  He knew all along that events at Boston were going to occur. (Ps. 139:15-16)

So, why did God allow it to happen?

3. Tell your children we don’t know all the “why’s” about God.  But one thing we are certain of is that God’s ways are so much higher than our ways (Is. 55:8-9) and His way is always best (Ps. 18:30)

4.  Remind your children that God knows are sorrows and our fears (Heb. 4:15, Ps. 56:8)

5.  Pray with your children for their safety and for the safety of those around them (Mt. 19:14, Ps. 91:11)

Am I a little nervous about running the Indianapolis mini?  Honestly, yes.  However, I cannot let the events of Boston dictate how I live.  Yet, I can use the events of Boston to teach my children many valuable lessons.  Most certainly of all, that my God is in control and my life is in His hands.

I was in a store with my tots the Tuesday afterwards and before I could stop them, they were glued to a TV that was replaying the bombing at Boston.  Micah, my 5 year old said,”Mom, why was there a bomb at the marathon?”

“I don’t know, honey.”

“Is there going to be a bomb at your marathon?”

My heart stopped.  This little 5 year old put it together that people were running a race and there was a bomb and my mom is going to be running a race soon. Is there going to be a bomb?

I got down on my knees in front of him, held his little hands, and said,” Micah, we need to pray for those families that got hurt and pray for mommy and all her friends that God will keep us safe in our race.”

Right there, in the middle of the store, a 5 year old petitioned our Heavenly Father for the safety of his mom and her friends.


Until next Monday and hopefully we will discuss “Dress Rehearsal”,



Rest for the Weary in a Busy Life

Daily Truth:  But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.  Isaiah 40:31

I realize that I promised that I would write about “Dress Rehearsal.”  But alas, sometimes things happen in our lives that are completely out of our control and definitely NOT in our calendar.  That pretty much sums up the past 9 days.

It all started when the hubs came home a week ago terribly sick.  Now let me just preface this by saying my husband is NOT one of those “husband turn whimp,” wanting to rest, when he gets sick.  Also, my husband’s job is such that he can go to work and not have to interact with too many people.  Off to work he went Friday morning despite the protest from the family and spending part of the night sick. When he came home Friday night from work, walked into the house, and rested on the couch without even taking his winter coat or hat off I knew we were in trouble. And that is the way he stayed until Saturday morning.

It was a down hill battle from there.  Literally every 36 hours someone else fell prey to the flu this week.  I cleaned the bathrooms and did laundry every day.  (The house now permanently smells of Lysol).  I fought it until the commander of her troops could fight it no longer and finally I succumbed last night.

Next week, I will discuss the importance of “Dress Rehearsal” with our children.  But for now, this weary and cranky mother is going to drink some tea, take a hot bath, rest and enjoy a few minutes of sheer utter silence (which believe me is a rarity in this house) before the troops come home from church.

Until next week ladies,


rest for the weary