Activity Calendar of Daily Ideas for Fun and Learning

Every day is an opportunity  to share God’s Word and His World with your child. Each day of the calendar has a suggested activity to do together. Have fun as you make each day a day of discovery and learning.   Boys and girls running
See Cathy Jo’s Truths for Tots blog for more ideas and encouragement.


Activity Calendar

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
* Happy New YearHappy New Year

Making resolutions? Why we need here to find out more.

* Thank You NotesThank You Notes

With emails, Skype, twitter etc. we can become complacent about teaching our children to write notes. Take this time after Christmas to have your children write thank you notes for Christmas gifts. Depending on the age of child, notes could be a simple post card, a drawing in a card, a sentence or a paragraph. I suggest second and third graders practice in addressing envelopes. This gives good practice in capitalization and punctuation marks.

* Drinking Straw DayDrinking Straw Day

Did you know that the drinking straw is one of the oldest eating utensils? Read more to find out the history of the drinking straw, many interesting facts:)

* Trivia DayTrivia Day

Trivia questions stimulate your mind. Try the following link to answer questions about the book of Genesis. Follow the link and find more questions to test your family's knowledge of Bible facts.

* Teach Psalm 146Teach Psalm 146

How about starting the year off with praise? The 10 verses in Psalm 146 can be taught weekly and completed by the end of February. Today begin with verses 1 and 2. 1 Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul! 2 While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

* Science DayScience Day

Try this experiment to teach about static electricity. Click here for details.

* Act of Kindness DayAct of Kindness Day

Click here to find out what a mom did to celebrate her birthday and teach her children about giving.

* Feed the BirdsFeed the Birds

Make a Cheerio bird feeder. Click here to see an example.

* Painting DayPainting Day

Swirly paintings a lot of fun and very creative. Click here for details.

* Spaghetti DaySpaghetti Day

Besides having spaghetti for dinner try this fun idea for playing with pasta. Click here for details.

* Teach Psalm 146Teach Psalm 146

This week review verses 1 and 2 and add verses 3 and 4. 3 Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help. 4 His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; In that very day his plans perish. (Make sure you teach about the words that need explaining like: son of man, perish)

* Soup NightSoup Night

Soup and game night with your family. Make a soup your family enjoys for an easy dinner and play board games with your children.

* Make Bread DayMake Bread Day

Have your children help to make homemade bread today. Great way to teach following instructions, math, patience, enjoyment, and sharing. Enjoy...I can smell your fresh bread baking....yummmm:)

* Library DayLibrary Day

Go to your local library today. Check out the new programs for the new year. Check out books to enjoy reading. For book ideas click here

* Hat DayHat Day

Today is National Hat Day. Read "Caps for Sale" or click here to watch and listen to this children's book.

* Snow DaySnow Day

With snow or no snow where you may live we all can have fun with wintery activities. Click here for "Let It Snow" fun:)

* Ben Franklin's B-dayBen Franklin's B-day

Happy Birthday Benjamin Franklin! Born this day in 1706. Click here to find out many interesting facts about this politician, inventor, writer, and publisher. Certainly a very talented man.

* A.A. Milne's B-dayA.A. Milne's B-day

The creator of Winnie the Pooh was born this day in 1882. In celebration read a Winnie the Pooh book today. For more information about A.A. Milne and Winnie the Pooh click here.

* Martin Luther King DayMartin Luther King Day

"Dr. King is widely regarded as America’s pre-eminent advocate of nonviolence and one of the greatest nonviolent leaders in world history." Click here for more information.

* Teach Psalm 146Teach Psalm 146

Review verses 1-4 and teach verses 5 and 6 this week. 5 Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the Lord his God, 6 Who made heaven and earth, The sea, and all that is in them; Who keeps truth forever,

* Act of Kindness DayAct of Kindness Day

Visit an elderly person today with your child. Take some homemade cookies or bread to share.

* BirdfeederBirdfeeder

Follow the simple directions and make a birdfeeder that both your birds and children can enjoy:) Click here for directions

* Pie DayPie Day

Everybody loves pie:) Pie is one of the greatest and most versatile food structures known to mankind. Sweet, savoury, filled with gravy or sauce, pies come in all shapes, sizes and flavours. Why not celebrate this Pie Day by making a pie from scratch, using your favorite fillings?

* Snow Dough DaySnow Dough Day

Make snow dough with your children and enjoy playing with this special dough. Recipe: 16 oz. box of cornstarch (place in freezer to make cold) and roughly half of a 20 oz. bottle of fragrance free hand lotion (also cold from refrigeration). Combine until desired consistency. Roll in clear glitter if sparkles desired. When play time is over place in a ziplock bag and refrigerate. If dough becomes a little dried out add more hand lotion.

* First Winter OlympicsFirst Winter Olympics

The First Winter Olympics was held in 1924. This year the Winter Olympics will begin February 7. Click here for information about the first Winter Olympics which were held in Chamonix.

* Teach Psalm 146Teach Psalm 146

Review verses 1-6 and teach verse 7. 7 Who executes justice for the oppressed, Who gives food to the hungry. The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners.

* Map DayMap Day

Try this computer game from National Geographic to learn map skills.

* Kazoo DayKazoo Day

National Kazoo Day is today. Play a kazoo today. Click here to learn about the history of this fascinating instrument and hear a song.

* Puzzle DayPuzzle Day

National Puzzle Day is today. Get an age appropriate puzzle for your children, put some soup in the crock pot, a fire in the fireplace and enjoy an evening of family fun. Click here for some puzzle games and puzzles for your family.

* Science DayScience Day

Click here to find out how to find out about moving molecules:)

* Painting DayPainting Day

Pull out the water color paints and paint pictures. When dry take or send to an elderly person with a note.


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