How to Teach Children to Love One Another

Daily Truth:   “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”  John 13:34

Love One Another

 Encouraging children to help and serve others creates self confidence, exhibits love for one another, and takes the focus off of themselves.  In John chapter 13 of the Bible, Jesus tells us to love others as He has loved us.  Remind your child about how Jesus Christ died on the cross for everyone.  Share how God raised His only Son from the dead because He loves us and wants to spend eternity (forever) with us.  1 Corinthians 15:3-4  and Romans 8:38-39

Ten Ways to Teach Children to  Love to One Another

  1. Show love to each member of your family by making a “blessing can”.  Ask your children some ways in which they could help each other.  Write these ideas down, along with the child or parent’s name so they will know who to bless, and place on strips of paper which can then be placed in the “blessing can”.  Each child will pull a “blessing” paper from the can at least once a week (you may want to have a higher frequency) and complete the task or blessing for the person listed on the paper.  Teaching the other person to show appreciation is also a part of the lesson.
  2. Bake cookies for a shut in and take to them.  Attach a card that  tells how you appreciate them.
  3. May 1st is around the corner.  Make a May basket out of a paper plate and fill with paper flowers and hang on your neighbors’ doors.  Click here for directions
  4. Pray for those families who are on the mission field.  If those families have a prayer card keep in a card file for easy organization.  Each evening at dinner pull  a card from the box and pray for that family.  (At Christmas time pray for those families which have sent Christmas cards to your family.)
  5. When a missionary visits your church invite them over for dinner.  Get to know them and their needs.  It will bring their ministry to life for your family.  Prayers will be more specific and special.
  6. Plan a family missionary trip.  Really see what the missionaries are doing.  Your family will be a blessing to the missionary and you will be blessed too.  You do not need to go overseas, there are many missionary ministry needs near you.
  7. Plan a “Five Day Club” at your home this summer.  Child Evangelism Fellowship will provide the leaders, lessons, and other Bible materials.  All you need to provide are the children, place, an hour of your day, and a snack.
  8. Sponsor a child through an organization of your choice.  There are many children throughout the world that have daily physical and spiritual needs.  Getting to know an individual child and meeting their needs is a blessing for everyone.
  9. Visit your local food pantry with your children.  See what needs they have and how your family can help.
  10. Read missionary biographies to your children.  The Heroes for Young Readers Series is a collection of individual missionary biographies.

Kisses from Katie, written by Katie Davis, is a wonderful parental read to see how one parent surrendered their child to serve on a mission field and also illustrates how a young woman follows God’s calling to love others in a different country.  A lovely quote from this book, “…love is the reason I just keep filling up my little eyedropper, keep filling up and emptying my ocean one drop at a time I’m not here to eliminate poverty, to eradicate disease, to put a stop to people abandoning babies. I’m just here to love.”

To share the love and message of Jesus Christ is the best thing we can teach our children.

What ideas do you have in teaching your children to love and serve others?

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson





Love: Ideas For Valentine’s Day

Daily Truth:  “Yeah, I have loved thee with an everlasting love.”  Jeremiah 31:3

Love is in the air.  Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.

Remember Valentine’s Day B.C. (before children)?  It was all about you and your true love.

And then along came children.

Now that we have four delightful children, Valentine’s Day has become more about the family than just about my hubs and I.

Really, many reasons have factored into that.  Babysitter’s are at a premium.  The restaurants we like to go to only serve a “Valentine’s Meal” (way over priced) or have been booked for awhile.

We opt to go out another night instead.

Don’t get me wrong – my true love knows that roses are still a must on Valentine’s Day even though we spend it with the kiddos.

So, here are some ideas on how to make Valentine’s Day fun for you, your true love, and your little true loves.

1.  Do a themed Valentine’s meal.  This year the kids really want to see the sequel to a certain spaghetti movie.  I succumbed and got the DVD.  Dinner will be none other than a spaghetti dinner.  Dessert will be cupcakes from our local cupcake store (mile high frosting fits with the theme).  Then we will cuddle up on the couch and watch the movie.

Pick a theme your kiddos love and run with it.  It always makes the meal go much easier too.

2.  This idea I got from my son’s preschool teacher.  Help your kiddos make heart shaped mailboxes out of paper plates.  You and your hubs could make one too.  Then have everyone write love notes and put them in the mailboxes.  You could also use decorated brown paper bags.


3.  Make Valentine’s by using conversation candies.  You can do this one of two ways.  For the little guys, have them glue on the hearts with a glue stick onto construction paper.  You could make a Valentine for your little love by using the words on the hearts.  Sort of like a Valentine’s Mad Lib.

4.  Make Valentine’s by using the kiddos hand prints.  This is one that grandparents would love and could be kept.  Cut out a heart out of construction paper large enough for your child’s hand.  Get red and white washable paint.  Paint one hand red and the other white.  Gently place your child’s hand on the paper.  Nothing says “Love” like a child’s hand print.

5.  Make a Valentine center piece.  My friend came up with this idea for a Valentine’s Day class party. Get a glass jar, fill it part full with conversation hearts, and stick in some heart flower fillers.  Makes a great centerpiece and it’s edible.  You can use the conversation hearts as prizes.  You can make the heart shaped flower fillers by using straws and taping the hearts onto the straws.  The hearts could be made by your little kiddos.

6.  Have a pizza night.  Make the dough into a heart shape.  Have the kids help “decorate” the pizza.  Enjoy a love filled dinner.

There are just a plethora of ideas out there to help you with Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day is a good time to remind our children and ourselves who demonstrated the ultimate show of love for us – Jesus Christ.  You can do this by using hearts.

Cut out a red, white, and black heart.

The black heart represents our sin.  It is our sin that causes us not to be able to go to Heaven or to love like God loves. Romans 6:23

The red heart represents the blood of Jesus.  It is only through the shedding of HIs blood that we can have forgiveness of sin. Hebrews 9:22, John 3:16

The white heart represents what God does for us when we ask Him to forgive us of our sins.  He washes our hearts white as snow. Isaiah 1:18

Valentine’s Day is a good time for us mom’s to reflect on what love really is.  I Corinthians 13 gives a checklist for us.

1.  Do I speak with love or am I sounding brass?

2. Is my faith filled and demonstrates love?

3.  So my works show love to others?

4.  Am I patient?

5.  Am I kind?

6.  Am I glad for other’s when they receive blessings?

7.  Am I humble?

8.  Do I behave myself wisely?

9.  Do I strive to make others look good without receiving any glory?

10.  Do I get angry easily?

11.  Do I look for the good in others?

12.  Do I rejoice in truth?

13.  Do I bear all things God gives with love?

14.  Do I believe all things in His Word?

15.  Do I hope in all His promises?

16.  Do I endure all God sends my way?

That’s a LONG and CONVICTING checklist.  Yet, all those things shows God’s love to others.

Do we show God’s love to our families?

Until next week,

