Sing, It Does a Heart Good

Daily Truth:  “They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, And shall sing of Your righteousness.”  Psalm 145:7  NKJV

Sing, It Does a Heart Good

Why is the musical The Sound of Music so popular?  It is a wonderful, true story about the singing Von Trapp family.  One of the most memorable lyrics in the score is, “the hills are alive, with the sound of music.”  The hills (God’s creation) with all the surrounding life are filled with music.  How sweet are the sounds of the mountain streams, birds, other wildlife and then to be captured in music brings joy to our hearts and ultimately praise to a great God.

Sometimes it is only music that can lift our hearts or help us to “[bring] every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

At dawn the birds begin to sing.  I like to think they are praising God for the new day. The birds even provide an example for us.

As Spurgeon writes in The Practice of Praise, “When the heart is most adoring and selects the grandest theme for reverent song it chooses the meeting of goodness and righteousness as it topic.”

Singing praises to God blesses us and blesses God.  Don’t you love it when  your children are playing and they spontaneously begin singing a Bible song?  How much more does our Heavenly Father love to hear us, his children, singing praise about Him and to Him?

There are many ways to teach children to sing praises to God through His Word.  Make up a melody, use a well know children’s melody, or use one of the following links that teach Bible verses with music accompaniment.   Children Desiring God   John 3:16-17           John 1:1-2  Psalm 107:1

Another lovely resource that is wonderful for both parent and child is Scripture Lullabies. (click on Home after this link and it will open)

As Spurgeon writes, “sweeten your lips with the pleasant confection of praise…praise God extravagantly if you can.  Try it.”  “There are no limits to the deserving of God who ever blesses.”

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson




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