Running on Empty


We all have had that heart stopping moment when we see the gas pump on the dashboard light up and we frantically start thinking where the closest gas station is.  Yes, that just happened to me on Saturday and my mind started racing ahead to all the “what if’s” if I ran out of gas before the gas station.  

As a runner, I have come to understand the importance of viewing food as fuel.  Healthy, wholesome food in my body will help my body work more effectively when I run.  Don’t misunderstand me, I still love, Love, LOVE my sweets.  Remember the cupcake with the mile high frosting for my birthday?  Super Yummy BTW!!! Yes, I run so that I can eat.  When I am in training or am coming close to a big race, I really try to curb that sweet tooth and eat only that which will most benefit my runs so that I am not running on empty. On the flip side, if I don’t refuel right away after I have logged a long run the results are not pretty.

You know, children are very much the same way.  They cannot run on empty.  I am not talking about food in this case.  I am talking about a powerful four letter word that is used so frivolously in our English language – love.  Their love tank needs to be filled daily and sometimes hourly.  It’s so simple to do, but in the business of life it is often forgotten.  A hug, a note in the lunch box, a thumbs up on a job well done.  Simple things, yes, but things that will not be forgotten.  

Friday was a busy day and my little Sophia came up to me and asked, “Mommy, can you play with me?”  I looked around the kitchen and saw dishes that needed to be put away and a floor that needed swept.  I took a deep breath, turned around, and said, “Sure”.  Well, rather quickly out came the play makeup, the nail polish, the “beauty salon tools”, and all other things needed to play a proper beauty shop.  Believe me, by the time Sophia was done with me I looked more like Morticia Addams from the Adam’s family than a beauty queen.  My husband chuckled when he saw me and gave Sophia all the praise in the world for making mommy look so beautiful.  (Trying not to take it personally…hee,hee) A picture you ask?  Well, I’ll let your imagination take over.  Honestly, it was fun playing beauty shop and Sophia’s love tank was brimming over and yes the dishes got done, the floor swept, and the dinner made despite my trip to Sophia’s Beauty Shop. 

A small thing to some but to Sophia it was huge!  All four of my kids have different ways that they love to have their love tank filled.  Micah’s is helping, Sam’s is cuddling, Sophia’s is time and hugs, and Alexandra’s is quality time.  Believe me Alexandra, my tomboy, would not have had her love tank filled by playing beauty shop!

The other day, I needed to run 3 miles and the boys insisted on running with me.  Mind you, they are 4 and 5.  With a sigh, I piled them and the double jogging stroller in the car.  In and out they would go from the jogging stroller wanting desperately to run “just like mommy”.  By mile 2, I was cold and frustrated by the constant stop and go.  Then I looked up and saw my boys running on the sidewalk ahead of me holding hands.  Rebuked?  Umm…yes.  Suddenly the frustration melted away and the rest of the run became very enjoyable.  Why?  Because that memory is now seared in my mind of my two sweet and very busy boys lovin’ on each other.  My love tank was brimming over for the rest of the day.

I John 4: 7 says, “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.”  

My deepest desire is to see my children grow to serve and love God.  How can I expect that outcome if I don’t show love to them.  God never withholds His love from us or forgets to let us know that He loves us. By my showing love to my children I am demonstrating the love that God shows to us.

So how are you filling your child’s love tank?

Until next Monday, ladies,


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