A New Year Filled with Praise

Daily Truth:   “So will I ever sing praises to your name, as I perform my vows day after day.”   Psalm 61:8 ESV

 A New Year filled with Praise

A brand new year presents new goals and a fresh start!  Ready, set, what….?

Well below freezing temperatures, car won’t start, home with a cold that turns into a sinus infection, children that have strep throat…and on it goes.  Plummeting from lofty goals to the nitty gritty of life stifles great intentions for the new year.

The first week of the new year is gone. My heart grows faint and my energy is spent.  It is time to get focus back while still caring for the needs of others…all is placed on auto pilot.

We all have circumstances that effect our lives and try to alter our focus. Digging into God’s Word and seeking Him for guidance is what this year and each day require.

Psalm 61 brings hope to my soul.  In this Psalm David is thought to have been in exile after crossing Jordan while running from Absalom.  David wants to stay away from conflict especially since it is with his son who is trying to take command.   David cries out to God, “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”  Then, in verse 8 David says, “So I will ever sing praises to your name, as I perform my vows day after day.”

“Praises to your name” draws my focus back to God and off myself.  No matter what circumstances we find ourselves praise should be in our hearts and roll off our lips.

Isn’t that what we try to teach our children?  In order to teach our children about praise they must see us praising God under any circumstance.  Yes, it is difficult when life goes in a different direction than planned or desired. But remembering the many trials of David and others in the Bible we understand that “there is nothing new under the sun” and we too will make it through as long as we put our focus on God and our trust in Christ.  Praise His name daily.

This reminds me of a book I read several years ago entitled, The Practice of Praise by C.H. Spurgeon.  I am now rereading this book and will in the next few weeks share Scripture and Spurgeon’s thoughts on praise.

“Now, our desire is that we also may praise and magnify the name of the infinite Jehovah without restraint or limit, and may especially have our hearts enlarged and our mouths opened wide to speak abundantly of His great goodness.”  Spurgeon

May your days be filled with warmer temperatures, cars that work,  healed bodies, and mostly, praise for our Lord Jesus Christ whatever the circumstance.

Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,

Cathy Jo Johnson


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