Daily Truth: “O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!”
Psalm 8:9
Names are important to us and to God. When we know someone we use their name when talking with them. When we learn God’s Hebrew names we learn more about Him. Each name reveals a character quality of God.
“Wise men still seek Him.”
I have created a family “Christmas Advent Devotional”. Each day a new name of God is learned. A chain link craft adds enjoyment and anticipation to this study.
Day 1 of Christmas Advent Devotion: Yahweh (LORD) yah-WEH
This name of God by Jewish tradition was too Holy to be said aloud. It was said as YHWH without the vowels. YHWH is referred to as the Tetragrammaton (which means “four letters”). YHWH comes from the four Hebrew letters: Yud, Hay, Vav, Hay. The modern spelling is Yahweh and now spoken by Jewish people as Jehovah.
In the Old Testament, the name Yahweh, is the most frequently used name of God. It is found over 6,000 times. The first time it is written is in Genesis 2:4 where it is written as Yahweh Elohim (yah-WEH e-lo-HEEM). This name of God as you will see can be written as Yahweh or a long side another name of God. When written with another name of God a new character quality of God is revealed.
Read Genesis 7:1-3
“Yahweh said to Noah, ‘Go into the ship with your whole family because I have seen that you alone are righteous among the people of today. Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean and one pair of every kind of unclean animal. Also, take seven pairs of every kind of bird to preserve animal life all over the earth after the flood.’ ”
Yahweh is LORD (all capital letters) over all. Noah knew God and obeyed God. Because of Noah’s love of Yahweh and fear (respect) of Yahweh his entire family was spared from certain death.
If you would have lived in the days of Noah what would have kept you safe from the flood that Yahweh sent to cover the earth?
What today can keep you safe from separation from God? (Romans 10:9)
Yahweh, you are holy, powerful, slow to anger, continually loving, full of grace toward us. You know our sinful hearts yet you love us all the same. Help us to love and respect you and follow where you lead.
To get each day’s devotions and a pdf of the Names of God chain link please see http://truthsfortots.com/
A wonderful children’s book to accompany this study is “What’s in a Name?” : Learning about the Names of God by Cathy Jo Johnson http://truthsfortots.com/whats-in-a-name/
Blessings to you and your family this Christmas Season.
Until the next “Truth” sharing moment,
Cathy Jo Johnson