Activity Calendar of Daily Ideas for Fun and Learning

Every day is an opportunity  to share God’s Word and His World with your child. Each day of the calendar has a suggested activity to do together. Have fun as you make each day a day of discovery and learning.   Boys and girls running
See Cathy Jo’s Truths for Tots blog for more ideas and encouragement.


Activity Calendar

« Prev November 2025 Next »
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
* American Indian MonthAmerican Indian Month

November is American Indian Heritage Month. For more information click here.

* Family NightFamily Night

Pop some popcorn and play board games with your children. Click here for some game ideas.

* Teach Psalm 100 Teach Psalm 100

November is a great month to teach Psalm 100. By breaking it down each week your child will be able to recite this for family and friends on Thanksgiving Day. Hiding God's Word in our hearts and then sharing it with others is a great blessing to all. This week learn and practice verses 1 and 2. Add motions and I teach verse 2b by singing it.

* Painting DayPainting Day

Pull out the water colors and paint a picture while listening to classical music. Paint the mood of the music.

* First Car PatentedFirst Car Patented

The first automobile was patented this day in 1885. Click here to see more about early cars.

* Hot Chocolate DayHot Chocolate Day

Make hot chocolate and sipp while reading a book to yourself or books to your children. For children book ideas click here.

* Teach ThankfulnessTeach Thankfulness

Check our Truths for Tots blog on ways to teach thankfulness to your children. I think you will be blessed too:)

* Thanksgiving MiraclesThanksgiving Miracles

Read this wonderful book by Barbara Rainey. It also contains a wonderful CD of hymns of thanksgiving. Click here for book information

* Outreach to OthersOutreach to Others

The week of November 18-25 is collection time for Operation Christmas Child. Prayerfully pack a shoebox with items you and your child select that will minister to a child in need. For details click here.

* Teach Psalm 100Teach Psalm 100

Review verses 1-2 and teach verse 3.

* Remembrance DayRemembrance Day

Giving honor to whom honor is due. Click here to read this Truths for Tots post about honor.

* Craft DayCraft Day

Go on a walk outside to enjoy the beautiful fall day. Gather different kinds of leaves along the way. When home, take the wrapper off some of the fall color crayons (orange, brown, yellow, red, purple). Place the leaves (vein side up)under white paper and make leaf rubbings by rubbing the side of the crayon over the paper.

* Science DayScience Day

Try this experiment called "The Dance of the Raisins" Click here for more information

* Craft DayCraft Day

Make chunky crayons by peeling the wrappers off some old crayons (not too many dark colors), fill muffin tins about half full of crayon pieces. Turn oven on very low. After it has warmed up set the muffin tin in the oven. When melted let cool and then pop out of tin.

* Cooking DayCooking Day

A taste of Thanksgiving: Cranapple Cubes 1 16 oz can cranberry sauce 1 cup chunky applesauce 1 cup plain yogurt Pour indredients into a large bowl and mix with a mixer at low speed. Pour the mixture inot ice-cube trays. Cover the trays with foil; then push a popsicle stick through the foil into each cup. Place the trays in a freezer overnight. Pop the cranapple cubes out of the trays and enjoy:)

* Soup NightSoup Night

Have your children help to make a family favorite soup, bake some bread and an prepare an easy dessert. Invite some friends over to enjoy dinner and fun.

* Teach Psalm 100Teach Psalm 100

Review verses 1-3 with motions and singing. Teach verse 4 this week.

* Thanksgiving Plus:)Thanksgiving Plus:)

Scholastic provides beautiful videos of the first Thanksgiving. Click here for visuals, teaching resources, and more.

* Gettysburg AddressGettysburg Address

In 1863 President Lincoln gave the now famous Gettysburg Address. Click here to hear a beautiful reading with wonderful visuals that bring this speech alive.

* Character BuildingCharacter Building

Make a list of people your family knows that would enjoy a Thanksgiving card. Help your child trace their hand. Color the thumb and hand portion brown. Color fingers bright colors to resemble turkey feathers. Add an eye to the thumb print and a red gobbler to make it look like a turkey. Add a sweet message and mail this Thanksgiving card.

* Lincoln LogsLincoln Logs

Make homes out of Lincoln Logs to show the type of homes that early settlers made upon arrival to America.

* Science DayScience Day

Dive into this experiment..."The Caresian Diver" here to learn more.

* Family NightFamily Night

Pop some popcorn and share a evening watching a great family movie.

* Teach Psalm 100Teach Psalm 100

Review verses 1-4 and teach verse 5. May your children, family and guests be blessed on Thanksgiving Day as this verse is recited.

* Cooking DayCooking Day

Make some special treats with your children to share with neighbors and family on Thanksgiving Day. Click here for the recipe.

* Useful CraftUseful Craft

Make place mats for Thanksgiving Day. Have your child help you to prepare for Thanksgiving by having them decorate a large sheet of construction paper. Decorate with fall stickers and have children write what they are thankful for on the place mats.

* Hanukkah BeginsHanukkah Begins

The Jewish Holiday of Hannukkah recalls a miracle that happened more than two thousand years ago in Jerusalem. Some Hanukkah books to share: "The Chanukkah Guest", "Grandma's Latkes", and "Arielle and the Hanukkah Surprise".

* Thanksgiving DayThanksgiving Day

Before having your special meal today recite Psalm 100 and then ask each person to tell something which they are thankful for this year. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving.

* The Big ChillThe Big Chill

Thanksgiving was blessed and your focus today is on Christmas. Take time today to enjoy, reflect and decide what makes Christmas important. Sit down with your favorite hot drink and pritoritize the activites for the next month.

* Advent Calendar Advent Calendar

This will be a special advent activity that will be posted on this day. Keep posted for this very special advent that you will be able to print out and use with your family this year beginning December 1.


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