Activity Calendar of Daily Ideas for Fun and Learning

Every day is an opportunity  to share God’s Word and His World with your child. Each day of the calendar has a suggested activity to do together. Have fun as you make each day a day of discovery and learning.   Boys and girls running
See Cathy Jo’s Truths for Tots blog for more ideas and encouragement.


Activity Calendar

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
* National Hot Dog MonthNational Hot Dog Month

In celebration have friends over for a backyard campfire and roast hot dogs or go out to a local hot dog fast food restaurant. Click here for a hot dog history lesson:)

* Miniature GolfMiniature Golf

Find a miniature golf course near you and play a round of golf together as a family. You could make a miniature golf course in your own back yard. Click here to see one child's idea:)

* Dog Days BeginDog Days Begin

The "Dog Days of Summer" have to do with the constellations at this time of the year. Click for more information.

* Happy Birthday Happy Birthday

Click here for many Fourth of July activity, crafts, and recipes.

* Bird WatchingBird Watching

Coat a bagel with almond butter and roll in birdseed. Tie a piece of yarn or string around the bagel and hang. Enjoy watching the birds:) Use a bird book to help identify the birds in your area.

* Teach Isaiah 43:5 aTeach Isaiah 43:5 a

Teach this Bible verse and review daily this week. "Fear not, for I am with thee".... Isaiah 43:5a. Make sure that the child understands the word "fear" and that the pronoun "I" refers to God.

* Cherry DayCherry Day

Cherry Festival in Michigan this week. Play the board game "High Ho Cherry O" and click here to check out suggested "Cherry" books.

* Finger PaintFinger Paint

If your child does not like getting fingers messy try painting with chocolate pudding:) Yes they can lick fingers when done:) Move on to regular finger paint when comfortable, and do not eat this:)

* (Encouragement Day)(Encouragement Day)

Be an encouragement today by baking cookies and sharing the cookies with the firemen at the nearest fire department to you. Click here for blog posted on this date.

* Teddy Bear Picnic DayTeddy Bear Picnic Day

Find out about Teddy Bears and plan a picnic. Click here for more.

* Birthday of E.B. WhiteBirthday of E.B. White

Find out more about this children's author. Click here for more.

* Make PizzaMake Pizza

Make pizza for dinner tonight. May want to have each family member make their own pizza by using an 8 inch round pan, dependent on age of child.

* Teach Psalm 139:14aTeach Psalm 139:14a

Introduce and teach Psalm 139:14a today and review daily this week. Discuss the meaning of "You", "praise", and "fearfully".

* Puzzle DayPuzzle Day

See how many of the puzzles in your home you can complete today. Make your own puzzles by enlarging photos, glue to posterboard and cut apart. Same thing can be done with cards you have received. Store in envelopes with a title for each. If you make many number the backs. The first photo would all have a one, the second photo all two (so if mixed up the pieces can easily be sorted).

* Visit a PlaygroundVisit a Playground

Invite friends and visit a new playground today.

* Craft ProjectCraft Project

Click here and check out Truths for Tots Crafts Pinterest Board.

* Science DayScience Day

Make lemonade fizzy for more information.

* Sprinkler DaySprinkler Day

Hook up the hose to a sprinkler and have some "cool" fun.

* Visit a State ParkVisit a State Park

Check out the State Parks in your area. Click here to find out about events in Indiana. Check out the kid's page.

* Teach Proverbs 30:5Teach Proverbs 30:5

Introduce and teach this verse today and review daily this week. Help define the words "pure" , "shield", and "trust'. Make sure the child understands who the pronouns He and Him represent.

* Around the WorldAround the World

Point out on a map or globe the Great Barrier Reef off the north-eastern coast of Australia. Click here for a wonderful video. May want to define these words before viewing: habitat, molecule and coral. This video is very educational and shows the beauty of God's underwater creation.

* (Library Day)(Library Day)

Go to the library and check out books. Check to see what summer programs are available. Many will have special weekly readings and activites. Click here for blog posted on this date.

* Ice Cream Cone DayIce Cream Cone Day

The ice cream cone was invented this day in 1904. In recognition of this day treat your family to ice cream cones. Click here for more information in ice cream cone history.

* Bubble DayBubble Day

Click here for best bubble, colored bubble, and fancy bubble recipes.

* Popsicle DayPopsicle Day

Click here for many recipes for various kinds of popsicles. Enjoy!

* Make Some MusicMake Some Music

Try this science experiment and make some music. Click for more information.

* Review Month's VersesReview Month's Verses

Review Isaiah 43:5a, Psalm 139:14, and Proverbs 30:5 this week.

* Blueberry MonthBlueberry Month

July is National Blueberry Month. In honor of the blueberry read "Blueberries for Sal" by Robert McCloskey. Click here for a delicious recipe to make with your children and share at dinner:)

* Feed the DucksFeed the Ducks

Go to a pond and feed the ducks. You may want to read the children's book "Make Way for Ducklings" by Robert McCloskey before going.

* Building Block DayBuilding Block Day

Make things with wooden blocks or Legos.

* First U.S. PatentFirst U.S. Patent

Today in 1790 Samuel Hopkins was granted the first United States patent. Click here to see more.


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