The Christmas Tree Gospel

Daily Truth: ” And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” Luke 2:12


  Almost every home has some sort of Christmas tree in it this time of year.  Did you ever stop to think how the Christmas tree can be a vivid representation of the Gospel? The Christmas Tree has a LONG history behind it, but I won’t go into that.  Instead I want to show you how you can use your Christmas tree to teach your children about the true meaning of Christmas. 1.  The Christmas Tree is “ever”green.  God is everlasting.  (Psalms 90:2) His mercy is everlasting (Psalms 103:17).  One day He will set up an everlasting kingdom. (Micah 5:2) 2.  The Christmas Tree points to God – The top of the tree comes to point, directing our eyes to the Heavens.  God is the creator of all (Psalms 19:1) and is in Heaven preparing a place for all those who know Him as Savior (John 14:2). 3.  The Star – The star at the top of the tree reminds us of the star that shown over Bethlehem directing the wise men to the Christ child. (Matthew 2:1-3) 4.  The Angel – Some put an angel on the top of the tree reminding them of the angels that told the good news of the Saviors birth to the shepherds.  (Luke 2:8-17) 5.  The Christmas Tree lights. God is the light of the world. (John 8:12)  God’s Word is a light to those who are in the darkness of their sin. (II Corinthians 4:4) When we know Christ as our personal Savior, His Word lights our pathway. (Psalms 119:105)  We are then to be a light to those around us directing them to Christ by our lives (Philippians 2:15) 6.  The Red Ribbon – The red ribbon reminds us of Christ blood shed for our sins.  (Hebrews 9:22) 7.  The Grapevine Garland – On our Christmas tree, I put a grapevine garland down the center of the tree to remind us that Christ’s ultimate purpose of being born was to die for our sins.  The grapevine symbolizes the crown of the thorns that were placed on Christ when he was crucified.  (Matthew 27:29) 8.  The Gifts – The gifts remind us of the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus. (Matthew 2:11) They are also a reminder of the ultimate gift – God’s gift of salvation to all who will receive it.(John 3:16) 9.  The Ornaments – The ornaments remind us of the jewels in a kingly crown.  One day Christ will be crowned King of Kings (Revelation 17:14) for He alone is worthy. (Revelation 5:12).  One day every knee will bow, confessing that He is Lord of all. (Philippians 2:9-11) As we get closer to Christmas Day, let us take time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Until next week, Rebekah klink

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