Motherhood- An Amazing Race

Daily Truths:  “Let us run with patience [endurance] the race that is set before us.”  Hebrews 12:1


 I am a mother and I am a runner.  This weekend I ran an amazing race and when I went home after the race, I continued running another amazing race – the race of motherhood.



This weekend, a number of my friends and I ran the Indianapolis mini-marathon.  It was a perfect running day and the air was filled with excitement as 35,000 runners and walkers took their places to begin their 13.1 mile journey.

Someone would finish first and another last.  The participants came in all shapes, sizes, ages, and ethnic backgrounds.  Some had trained for months and others only weeks. Some would walk and others would run.  However, we all had the same goal in mind – to cross the finish line. As I hit mile 11, my body started getting REALLY tired.  One thing that kept me going was that I would see my hubs and kids cheering me on near the finish.


The Christian life is compared to a race.  However, let’s take it one step further – so is motherhood.  You stand at the start line eagerly anticipating the arrival of your baby that will catapult you into this race of motherhood.  When the moment comes to finally cross the start line, you are so excited to finally be called a mother. As you continue your run, people cheer you on, encourage you, and give you refreshment from from God’s Word.

Then you stumble, get tired, and the race starts to get more difficult. At times it becomes painful.  You just want to take a break.  You can’t and you keep going because you know that you HAVE to run this race and finish as strong as you can.

Then your children give you little trophies along the way. One child tells you that you are “bootiful”.  Another givP1060980es you a bouquet of dandelions.  Another wraps her arms around you and says, “I’m so glad you’re my mommy.” (If you know our story you understand the depth of that statement).  Your 10 year old writes, “My my is hot stuff” on the back of her shirt and wears it proudly for all to see.  These are little trophies that mean the world to only you.

What is the medal we are striving for as Christian mothers?  It is to hear our Heavenly Father say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant [mother]” (Matthew 25:21).

There are mothers at all stages of this race.  Some are holding a newborn, while others are chasing toddlers.  Some are teaching middle school children, others are chauffeuring teenagers, and some are encouraging college students.  Some are embarking on another part of the race called “grandmother”.  Some have had their race cut short by a miscarriage or the death of a child.  Yet, we are all mothers.

I saw a shirt this weekend that said, “Motherhood is hard.  It’s like running a marathon every day!”

Yep.  It’s hard and there will be times you want to quit.  Ecclesiastes 9:11 states, “The race is not to the swift”.  In other words, ‘hang in there –  this is a long run’.

So, as we draw close to Mother’s Day this weekend, keep your eye on the Savior, cherish those little moments with your children, and be thankful for the little trophies they give you.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Rebekah Klink


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